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"Taehyung.... PST. Wake up!" You chuckle, trying to stand on your feet without falling over.

Who knew a bottle of wine would send you into a coma, well it did for Taehyung anyway. As soon as he had his second glass of wine he passed out cold.

"You said you could handle your alcohol.... I think you might've lied." You giggle quietly.

He's upside down on the sofa and you definitely cannot let him sleep like that, he'd get a stiff back and neck.
......But it's fucking hilarious.

"Taehyung I need to take you to bed." You nudge his shoulder.

"Hmmm?" He mumbles.

"I need you to stand up, I'll drag you to your bed but you can't sleep like that." You snort.

"But I'm comfyyyy." He whines.

"You'd be even more comfortable in your nice warm bed, come on give me your hand and I'll take you." You hold your hand out for him to latch onto.

"O-okay." He hiccups.

Slinging his arm over your shoulder, you drag him down the corridor and into his bedroom like a little sleepy child.

"Okay are you ready to sit down?" You chuckle as his eyes are already closed for a peaceful drunken sleep.

"Y-yes." He hiccups again, making you snort amusedly.

Turning around you try and place him gently on the bed, but his drunken body decides otherwise. As you lean to lie him down he pulls you down along with him, sending you to belly flop on him.

"Tae...... I need to get the blanket on the floor and turn the lights out." You smile.

"Nooooo. Stay here." He shakes his head.

"..... but your gonna be cold if I don't get the blanket." You shake your head, trying not to laugh.

"You're warm, that's all I n-need." He hiccups again, wrapping his arms around you.

I mean your touched at his words.....but this is super uncomfortable and your feeling embarrassed with how your led.

"Get off." You push his arms off you and finally you can stand up with a huff.

"Don't leave me.... not again y/n." Taehyung pouts sadly.

"Tae I haven't left you, I'm right here. I'm just going to turn the lights out and get the duvet blanket so your warm." You chuckle softly.

"You've left me so many times. I tried to save you, but it's always ended up with you leaving again." He mumbles sadly.

"I'm confused?" You scratch the back of your neck.

"Y/n please remember, I've been leaving you clues everywhere and you still don't remember me or what happened." Taehyung sits up and stares at you sadly.

"..... clues? Tae your confusing me.... What didn't I remember?" you pout confusedly.

What is he on about?

"I've been trying to save you for the last 2 years. It's makes me sad when you don't remember me." Taehyungs voice cracks as small tears start to run down his cheeks.

"Tae don't cry! Did something happen to me or something?" You rush to his side and cup his cheeks.

"Y/n I've been stuck in a time loop. This has all happened before, so many times and I can't watch you die again." Taehyung shuts down as he heaves out loud sob.

"Y-you've been stuck in a time loop trying to save me? Is that what you're saying?" You wipe his tears with your palm and soothingly rub his back.

All the drunkenness has left your body, leaving you stone cold sober. What did you miss? Is what he's saying true or could this be a drunken moment where he's confused.

"Yes. Yoongi and Jungkook kill you, I've tried to save you, I've tried so many times but it's no use, you always die and I get taken back to the start again at the bonding ceremony." Taehyung cries, his body shaking in your arms.

".....T-they kill me?" You whisper.

Yoongi and Jungkook kill you? They're really that heartless?

What Bastards.

"It's always in the same way. They shoot you in the street late at night when nobodies around. Y/n I can't watch you die again, it kills me to see you lying there in pain." Taehyung wraps his arms around you and sobs in your T-shirt.

"Tae im so sorry that you are stuck in time. It must have been horrible to relive that again and again." You too start to well up.

So this is it. That's my fate..... I get shot by Yoongi and Jungkook.

You can't help but feel numb. After all your efforts of getting to know them and letting them into your house and life.... they kill you like you were worth nothing?

"Y/n I don't know what I can do, I just don't want you to leave and not remember me again." Taehyung looks at you through glassy eyes.

"...... Tell me everything you know, we're going to stop this once and for all and get you out from this time loop." You nod as your body fills with anger and hatred.

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