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It's been a week since you moved into Namjoons and Jins slice of heaven. And you still haven't left the house yet, to be quite honest you're too afraid to with all things considering.

But you can't be afraid forever, you need to live your life and get back to some normality again. At least, that's what you keep telling yourself. With Taehyung by your side and his encouragement, he gives you all the will power you need. 

"We'll start off small, we'll walk the neighbor hood and go back again. I'm right here, so don't be afraid okay sweetheart?." Taehyung holds your hand tightly flashing you one of his gorgeous smiles.

Something seems off, his eyes look.... Foggy with worry. He looks lifeless and tired despite the gorgeous smile he's displaying.

"Okay, Let's do this." You nod, trying to ignore the unsettled feeling in your stomach.

Leaving the front door made nervousness crawl at your skin. You feel stupid and overwhelmed. But with Taehyungs warm hand interlocked with yours, you take the first steps outside into the world again.

"The cold breeze feels nice." You smile softly, letting the wind wash over you. It's refreshing.

"It's rather beautiful here isn't it? The wild flowers are blooming. There's nothing like this in the underworld, it's rather barren and dull down there." Taehyung smiles fondly at the big fields filled with multiple colours.

That's the beauty of living out in the countryside. You prefer it here than in the city. It's peaceful and quiet, with not many people filling the roads. It's like a little piece of heaven has been plucked and planted here for few people to enjoy.

 It's like a little piece of heaven has been plucked and planted here for few people to enjoy

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"How are you finding it here? Do you miss home?" Taehyung raises his eyebrow as he tilts his head

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"How are you finding it here? Do you miss home?" Taehyung raises his eyebrow as he tilts his head.

"It's beautiful here, the boys are so kind and welcoming." You smile softly.

"I hear a 'but' coming." Taehyung chuckles.

"Butttttt I just can't help but miss it a tiny bit. The bakery and its cakes I miss the most, I'm a fat bitch but they're just too delicious. I miss my apartment a little too, it was my first place that I could call mine and it was filled with all the silly things I couldn't help but not buy. I had my own routine, so it's odd having to suddenly pack up and leave it all behind. However, there's literally nothing to complain about living here, it's quiet and stunning and now I don't have to live or be alone. I can be with people all the time and it's a lot less lonely than being in the city. I'm grateful for you and the boys. But I want to thank you most, you've been so incredibly good to me and you always never fail to make me smile when I don't have much energy." You reach up and squish his cheek between your fingers.

"Whether I'm you're demon or not, I'll always look after you I promise. In all the years I've been alive, you've been the most loving and kindest person towards me and I will forever be grateful for you y/n." Taehyung pinches your cheeks back.

"Thank you Taehyung, I'll always take care of you too." You hug him tightly in appreciation.

"Hey.... Let's take a photo, we don't have a single picture of us together and it'd be a shame if we didn't capture the beautiful scenery too." Taehyung smiles widely as his little puppy dog eyes glisten in the Titan sunset.

"But I look gross." You pout.

"You're beautiful y/n, don't think like that." Taehyung pouts as he pokes your side.

".....Fine, and thank you. I'm no good with compliments, so that's as best as you're gonna get." You blush as you chuckle stupidly.

"Should we pose? Or.... I'm no good when it comes to photos." You awkwardly pout.

"Here let me do it.... Ready?" Taehyung takes your phone and holds it up.

"Yes." You pout.


"Wait I wasnt ready!" You laugh.

*click. Click. Click*

"Meanie." You mumble and crack a smile.

With a million photos taken together, you decide to get a photo of Taehyung. For memory purposes.....

"Tae, stay there, a butterfly has landed in your hair." You whisper quietly trying not to frighten the butterfly.

He looks so fricken adorable

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He looks so fricken adorable.

"Oh! It's gone." Taehyung pouts as he watches the butterfly fly off into the sky.

"I got the photo, look how cute you are." You show him the photo as you smile warmly.

With photos taken and a small step back into the world, you both head home through the fields as darkness starts to fall over the village.

"Hey Tae?" You smile as you reach out to hold his hand.

"Yes sweetheart?" Taehyung nods as he raises his eyebrow.

"Thank you, I really mean it. Without you here, I don't think I would've been able to face today." You smile softly.

"Y/n I need to tell you something." Taehyung gulps as anxiety starts to make his hands shake.

"Of course, Tae are you okay?." You furrow your eyebrows at his sudden change of behaviour.

His face goes pale, and the once happy Taehyung, has suddenly gone. He leans forward and places a kiss to your lips before walking backwards into the flowers. Making sure there's a gap in between you both.

"I love you and I always have. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world. I'm so sorry."

*gun shot*

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