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"Y/n?..... sweetheart?" A voice whispers.

It's well into the early hours of the morning and confusion fills your mind. Who is that? Am I dreaming?

"I didn't realise how late it was, I'm sorry to wake you. I just miss you that's all." The voice whispers again.

The bed next to you dips and you're definitely not dreaming. Slowly opening your eyes you mumble nonsense before rubbing the sleep away from your tired eyes.

Blinking a few times to try and see in the dark, you can't miss those angelic features and know exactly who it is.

"Tae? What are you doing here?" You croak confusedly.

"I haven't seen you in a few days, and I know it sounds stupid but I miss you.You brighten up my world like it's the 5th of November y/n." Taehyung sadly smiles as he reaches out and holds your hand.

"Tae, that's so sweet, I've missed you too. I was going to summon you, but I've put you through so much over the past few weeks so I thought I'd leave you to get some rest and recharge." You smile sadly.

"I've been thinking alot lately, which is a dangerous thing. I wanted to ask you something, but I never found the right time until now." Taehyung chuckles lightly.

"What is it? Are you okay?" You sit up worriedly.

"I'm okay, there's nothing to worry about. I wanted to ask you..... how should I say this?" Taehyung goes quiet as he shakes his head slightly.

"Tae tell me." You frown.

"Would you be comfortable if I got a transfer from the underworld to here? So I can be here to protect you and take care of you all the time?" Taehyung looks at you through the darkness, his red orbs glowing dully.

"Of course I wouldn't mind, id love to have you here all the time. The question is, would you be okay leaving your home behind?" You rub the back of his hand soothingly.

"The view is nice, but that's the only thing I like about it. It's too big and lonely being there all by myself. You're my home y/n and I'll go wherever you are." Taehyung smiles softly.

"Bloody hell, I didn't expect to be woken up to then cry like a baby. Taehyung you are the sweetest human in existence." Your bottom lip starts to quiver as the hot tears start to run down your cheeks.

"Don't cry sweetheart, I didn't mean to make you upset. I just can't seem to breath when I'm not with you." Taehyung out stretches his hand and wipes away your tears.

"Come here." You pull back the duvet cover and pat the space next to you.

Standing up he removes his shoes before getting into the warm space next to you. Opening up his arms you don't even question yourself before snuggling into his warm embrace.

"I've already asked Jin if he wouldn't mind me coming to live with you guys, which of course him being the way he is, said that he'll help me move my things by morning if he had it his way. Jimin and Hoseok are already coming up with a spell to make the house a bit bigger so all of us can live here comfortably. I've got a meeting with the devil in a few house to discuss the situation and if I'd be allowed a transfer here. But I'm not worried about that, I know he'll agree straight away, my main priority is you and if you'd be comfortable with me moving in with you." Taehyung looks down as you as he smiles softly.

"From day 1 I've wanted you to never leave my side, heck I was going to clear out the spare room in my old apartment in case you wanted to live with me. Tae..... you are the light of my life and I'll be forever grateful for your existence itself." You smile softly up at him as you boop his nose lightly.

"Then it's settled, I'll move in as soon as I can." Taehyung smiles brightly, squeezing your body tightly in excitement.

As you fall asleep, the same feeling fills Taehyungs stomach again.

"Not again. Not when I've only just got her back." Taehyung sobs as he holds your sleeping body in his arms.

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