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"That was bloody lovely!" Jungkook flicks his hair like straight out of a commercial.

Your mouth instantly dries. I mean, you know he's hot, but the wet forehead and wet hair just hits different.

"Thank you for the coffee y/n, would it be okay if I used the shower now?" Yoongi smiles softly, the tops of his ears turning slightly red.

"Y-your welcome, of course you can Yoongi." You nod, cursing yourself out for stuttering.

"Thank you, I won't be long." Yoongi stands up from the sofa and walks down the hall into your bathroom.

Maybe you should've got those security cameras after all..... you're really missing out on the greatest opportunity right now.

"Where did you get that conditioner? It smells yummy!" Jungkook parks his phat ass on your sofa as you gawk at him.

"U-um from the hair and beauty store in town, the lavender shampoo and conditioner are really yummy smelling too. I'll take you." You nod, wetting your mouth with the stone cold coffee in your mug.

"I love soft smelling stuff. Thank you again for letting me and Yoongi use your shower, maybe next time you should join us." Jungkook stares at you, not even batting an eye lid at the sinful thing his dirty little mouth has just came out with.

"I bEg YoUrE pArDoN?!" You projectile spray your coffee all over you and your coffee table. Eyes popping out of your head as you stare at him in bafflement.

"I said-"

"S-shut up I know what you said! Do you speak to your mother with that mouth?! Jungkook I can't believe you just said-"

"I'll take that as a maybe." Jungkook finally cracks a smile as he runs his fingers through his wet hair, unfazed. 

"MaYbE?! You little whore!" You smack his bare leg as your cheeks flush beetroot red.

I mean if the opportunity ever arises.... you wouldn't say no...

"OUCHHHHHHHH!" Jungkook whines, cradling his slapped skin

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"OUCHHHHHHHH!" Jungkook whines, cradling his slapped skin.

"You deserved it! I actually cannot believe that you just came out with that, who has that much confidence?!" You stare at him in total shock.

"If you never ask, you never get." Jungkook cackles.

"I'm putting the safely lock on my apartment door tonight." You laugh as you point the cross on your body.

This child needs help. ASAP.

"The suns out, my nutsack is clean, what a good way to start the day- OUCH FUCK!" Jungkook gets head slapped by Yoongi who stares at him in total shock.

"Jungkook what the fuck!" You stop walking as you begin to wheez.

"What the hell have you took? Are you on some drugs?" Yoongi looks at him, as if he's about to summon the almighty Christ to cleanse him.

"What? Can I not express how I feel? This is child abuse, I've been slapped twice today." Jungkook pouts as he crosses his arms like a spoilt child.

As it's the weekend and you all have nothing better to do, you decide to take Jungkook to the hair and beauty store in town to get some products and Yoongi also needed to get a few things anyway so it was fate.

You haven't even it made it half way down your street before Jungkook comes out with something stupid. This boy really needs some holy water.

"I'm buying you a mouth guard." Yoongi glares at him.

"It's okay, I like being gagged anyway." Jungkook winks.

"I'm glad he's your roommate." You cackle as you look at Yoongi who doesn't look impressed.

"This is what I have to put up with everyday. I'm surprised I haven't needed some sort of therapy yet." Yoongi chuckles as he rolls his eyes.

"I have a number if you need it." You chuckle loudly.

"Thank you. I'll make sure I get it from you later." Yoongi smiles widely.

"I'm right here, you know that right?" Jungkook scrunches up his face.

"Oh really? I didn't see you stood right in front me, I thought it was the moon." You glare back.
With the hair products secured in yours and Jungkooks bag, the next stop is the shopping mall.

"What do you need to get?" You turn to Yoongi.

"Just some clothes, I just broke my last pair of jeans and I also need to do some Christmas shopping. Who are you spending Christmas with?" Yoongi tilts his head curiously.

"I spend Christmas alone, I don't have any family. What about you? Are you spending it with anyone nice?" You smile softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I usually visit my parents but I'm staying home this year. Me and Jungkook still need to unpack our things at the apartment." Yoongi nods his head.

"Y/n why don't you have Christmas with us? It's only gonna be us two." Jungkook raises his eyebrows.

That's a big thing to ask.

"..... would you mind me crashing your Christmas though? It's supposed to be a special day." You widen your eyes as you look to Jungkook and Yoongi.

"I wouldn't mind at all, you're more than welcome to join us, we don't do anything apart from eat an ungodly amount of food anyway. The real question is, would you be willing to stay with us for the day? You know what Jungkooks like, I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable." Yoongi chuckles as he pats Jungkooks shoulder.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jungkook whips his head in yoongis direction.

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