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With your starry night booklet in your hand you, wait for Taehyung at the dining room kitchen. He said he needs to grab something, you don't know what but all he said is that you need to prepare yourself for whatever it is he's bringing with him.

"Y/n are you sure about this?" Taehyung waits outside the kitchen door out of sight.

"I'm sure Tae, it's now or never if we want to beat this time loop." You nod with certainty.

"Okay." He whispers.

His footsteps become louder and he finally appears into sight and....

"What?" You furrow your eyebrows.

....He was telling the truth all along.

In his hands is a large cardboard box, full to the brim of the same copies of the starry night note books.....

"Here it is......" Taehyung places the box on the table, his eyes watching you closely.

"..... T-they're all the ones I brought for you?" You widen your eyes. The feeling overwhelming feeling hits you like a truck.

"Every single one." Taehyung nods his head.

".....wow." You heave in shock.

"I'm sorry if this is all a bit too much to take in y/n." Taehyung drops his head sadly.

"N-no it's okay. There was going to come a point where I'd have to see all of this. Thank you for showing me Tae. What makes me even more shocked is the way you act surprised every single time.... even though you know already what I'm going to give you?" You start to sob.

Even though demons supposedly don't have souls, this guy right here, has the most warmest soul there is known to man.

"Of course I do, I love the look of happiness on your face when you give them to me. It's beautiful." Taehyung smiles sadly.

"Taehyung..... you are the most sweetest person in this universe, you know that?" You stand up from your chair and rush over to hug him tightly.

"And you know what? Even though I know that your going to give me the same notebook time after time, I still get excited when I open the gift bag because I know that you thought of me when buying it." Taehyungs voice cracks as he too start to cry.

"Taehyung what would I do without you?" You laugh stupidly as you both sob.

"You'd be lost sweetheart." Taehyung sadly smiles as he holds you tightly in his arms.

After composing yourselves. It's time to study all of the 23 notebooks and come up with a plan of defeating this time loop once and for all.

———Taehyungs POV————

I hope it works. But I've already lost faith, I've tried it all before and it always ends the same way. I don't know how to make it stop.

I don't want to loose her again. I know she'll come back, but it's never the same. Nothing always is.

There's always something different.

Your POV

"So you said it always happens in the city right? At midnight? I can just avoid the city at all costs..... wait no I can't, I work in the city, damn it!" You frustratedly shake your head.

"Y/n you can't avoid the city forever, plus like you said, you work there so there's no way but to enter the city." Taehyung sighs too.

"....I could get a new job? Or I could see if they could transfer me somewhere else? Would that work?" You raise your eyebrow.

"You've worked so hard to get the job you have now, are you willing to throw that all away and start somewhere new?" Taehyung sadly pouts.

"Tae I don't want to die. At least not yet, things have somewhat gotten better and I'm starting to enjoy living again because of you. I've gotten to know you... again it seems like. I like the way things are between us, I haven't found anyone who makes me laugh the way you do and Ive never had so much in common with someone before. You're my best friend Tae, you mean everything and more to me. I don't want you to go through this again you've been through a lot whilst stuck in this time loop."  You reach out and hold his hand across the table.

"Thank you sweetheart I care about you a lot too, more than a lot actually. You're the only one who has ever cared about me or goes out of their way to make me smile, you're my best friend too. I just hate seeing you get hurt." Taehyung smiles softly back at you.

"That's why we need to stop this time loop. For both of our sakes." You nod determinedly.

It's been 2 days. And in those 2 days you've both studied like it's your finals.

You've both came up with a plan A, a plan B and a plan C and if all things fail, then you've prepared a dooms day plan.

But now that leaves you feeling unsure of things. Do you go back home? Because you certainly don't feel safe there anymore, but where else can you go?

"Y/n how about I find you somewhere new to stay?" Taehyung raises his eyebrow seeing the concern on your pale face.

"That's a lot of work to take on tae, I'm sure I can figure out something." You sigh.

"....so i've got this friend." Taehyung smiles softly.

"Huh?" You raise your eyebrows.

"I've already talked to him, he said that you can stay with him for the time being until I can find you somewhere safe to stay. The only problem is that it's a bit far from the city." Taehyung looks at you, trying to read your reaction.

"How far? Is he trustworthy?" You perk up.

Anywhere away from Yoongi and Jungkook, sounds refreshing right now.

"It's the outskirts of the city, nearer towards the countryside. I've been there many times, it's beautiful. I grew up with him, he's my brother and trust my life in his hands, so I know he will do the same for you. He does exactly what I'm doing, we went to university together and studied together, I spent my life with him. He got a transfer to earth a few years ago, he fell in love with a mortal who he was protecting. He's lived here ever since with his partner. The house is safe, it's got a protection spell casted over his house and his grounds, so no evil can enter. I'm sorry for going behind your back, I just wanted you to be safe until I could find you somewhere to live." Taehyung smiles sadly.

"Tae, that is the most sweetest and caring thing anyone could have ever done for me. Don't be sorry. I should be the one thanking you for protecting me and caring about me. Thank you for going through all this trouble for me, I will forever be eternally grateful for you and everything you've ever done for me. Thank you Tae." You pull him into a warm embrace.

"You're welcome sweetheart." Taehyung smiles warmly as he wraps his arms around you tightly.

"....so when do I move in?" You laugh.

"Whenever you want. Your room is already made up there, all they're waiting for is to hear back from me whether you'd like to go or not." Taehyung chuckles.

"Is there anything I should be warned about? Any rules or anything like that? I don't want to disrespect them, especially when they're going to be taking me into their home." You nod.

"No rules, just be safe when leaving their home because of there will be no protection spell." Taehyung sighs.

"I promise I will, especially after your efforts to make sure I'm taken care of. What's their names?" You excitingly grin.

"Kim seokJin and Kim Namjoon. Jin is immortal, Namjoon is human like you. They're a funny pair, all they do is tease each other and eat like there's no tomorrow. You would fit in nicely with them." Taehyung laughs.

"They sound like my type of people..... HEY! What are you trying to say?" You glare.

"That you eat a lot, but I like it." Taehyung laughs.

"Well of course, how else am I supposed to maintain this figure?!" You shake your head dramatically.

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