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The car ride was long, even though they- let me correct, my new home, is only outside the city, they live further into the country side than you originally thought. And you don't know if you're glad or worried about that.

But nothing less the house is gorgeous, it's a proper old fashioned farm house with beautiful flowers lining the house and drive way.

"Sooooo, was it everything you dreamed of and more?" Namjoon says as he opens your car door with a smirk on his face

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"Sooooo, was it everything you dreamed of and more?" Namjoon says as he opens your car door with a smirk on his face.

"It's stunning." You smile excitedly as you get out and take a good look at the house.

"This place is as much as ours as it is yours. So make yourself at home and enjoy it, you deserve it y/n." Jin smiles softly at you before unloading your suitcases.

"Thank you. Thank you both for taking me in and sharing your beautiful home with me, I'll be forever grateful." You smile softly back.

"I didn't want to cry today, so I'm leaving before the water works turn on!" Namjoon laughs before grabbing one of your suitcases and walking up the drive way to the house.

"He's so dramatic." Jin chuckles as he shakes his head.

"Do you have anything planned for dinner?" You raise your eyebrow.

"I don't think so, we normally just see what's in the fridge or freezer. Why are you craving anything?" Jin widens his eyes worriedly.

"I'm not on my period don't worry, you'll know when I am trust me. I was gonna buy you both dinner as thanks." You chuckle.

"You'll have to give me your shark week dates, I'll make sure Ill have everything you need and crave in advance. You don't have to buy us dinner, it'll be nice to have a new face in the house anyway. Did Taehyung mention anything about the other guys we have staying with us at the moment?" Jin raises his eyebrow.

"You know the code word shark week? I'm impressed! And no.... It's not just you and Namjoon here? There's other people too?" You widen your eyes at the new information.

"I thought he might've forgotten to tell you. I put a protection spell on the house for all of our safety from evil demons as well as evil mortals. The spell means that they cannot see the house, from an outsider looking in, the house is not visible to them which of course means they can't see us living here or our presence. Jimin and Hoseok are the gatekeepers of the house, they keep the spell working as well as protecting us.

"Yeah he completely forgot to mention that part. I don't have a problem with it, so don't worry, I could do with making some new friends so I'm excited to meet them." You chuckle nervously.

"They are funny, a bunch of idiots and goofy, but they are lovely so you don't have anything to worry about. Their names are Jimin and Hoseok in case you wanted to know before hand. They've been excited to meet you too. They haven't shut up about having someone else live here, They're always stuck here protecting the house so they don't have anytime to venture out." Jin smiles softly as he motions for you to enter the house.

"Ya! Jiminie and hope, stop spying out the windows and come down and greet y/n." Namjoon shouts up the stairs.

"Coming!" They both reply back sheepishly.

A loud thumping sound of footsteps rush around upstairs before coming down the stairs in a hurry. 2 men, one with black raven hair and one with light brown hair stand together with reddened cheeks.

"Hi I'm y/n it's nice to meet you both." You chuckle as you set down your suitcase and bag.

"Nice to meet you too, my name is Jimin." The man with raven hair extends his hand in greeting.

"Hi Jimin." You smile widely.

"My name is Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi." He opens his arms widely for a hug.

"Hi Hobi." You nervously chuckle as you accept his open arms and give him a hug.

"I wanted a hug... no fair" Jimin pouts.

"You can have a hug too." You laugh as you open your arms.

"Such a baby." Jin mumbles as he rolls his eyes.

Jimin instantly rushes into your arms and squeezes you gently, as he pulls away a bright smile displays brightly on his face.

They are both incredibly adorable. You feel like melting with cuteness.

"Shall we show you to your new room? You're going to love it." Hoseok beams proudly.

"Yes that would be wonderful, thank you! I could do with unpacking and freshening up. Whilst I'm unpacking, think about what you'd like for dinner. It's on me." You smile appreciatively.

"Y/n are you sure?" Namjoon raises his eyebrow.

"1000%. Thank you both again for letting me stay here. I hope I won't be too much trouble for you." You nod before grabbing the suitcases and following Hoseok and Jimin up the stairs.

"You won't be trouble, we're glad we have you staying with us. Stay for as long as you want and need. We'll see you in a bit, if there's anything you need just give me shout." Jin smiles softly.

"Thank you." You smile back.

Your new bedroom is at the top of the house, overlooking the beautiful fields full of wild flowers. You have the whole top floor of the house to yourself and you feel a little guilty because there's so much room.

"Do you both have lots of room in your bedrooms? I feel bad having all this space by myself." You sigh as you set down your suitcases.

"Y/n this place is a mansion, plus this floor doesn't get used at all so it'll be nice for jin and Namjoon to have somebody to make use of it. Our bedrooms downstairs, is like a mini apartment just like this room so we have more than enough space. Do you need any help unpacking?" Jimin smiles brightly.

"Okay if you say so, I still can't help but feel bad though. And no I'm okay, it's pretty much easy for me to unpack because I don't have a lot of stuff anyway. Thank you for your offer though i appreciate it." You chuckle lightly.

"We'll leave you to it then, we'll see you downstairs, any problems just call us okay? It's nice to meet you at last y/n." Hoseok salutes before leaving with Jimin.

"It's nice to meet you too!" You call after them.

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