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"Wanna order a pizza?" You smirk at him.

"....I mean.... yes of course, it'd be rude not to!" Taehyung cackles.

"I'm teaching you well." You pat his head as you start giggling.

"You're going to get me fat... I know it." Taehyung squints his eyes knowingly at you.

"Pff, of course I am. I'd make sure you eat an ungodly amount of food before you leave." You grin as you bring in the menu for him to look at.

"That's a good motto to have." He snorts.

"Thank you." You giggle.
Pizza ordered, pjs on and the some random chick flick playing on the tv... what isn't there not to love..... I mean apart from the chick flick, you don't even know why you put it on, you hate these movies.

"People really watch these films?... it's cringy. It's one of those movies where you know what's gonna happen before it even happens..." Taehyung furrows his eyebrow as he takes a huge bite out of his melting hot pizza.

"I know I was just thinking the same thing. Hmm let me have a look at and see if there's anything else we can watch..... wait.... what's your favourite movie? I'll see if I have it." You pause the tv and too take a ungodly sized bite out of your pizza slice.

"I like studio ghilbi movies, howls moving castle is my favourite." He nods proudly.

"Your joking right?.... Are we soul mates?!" You drop your pizza on your plate and stare at him in disbelief.

"You like them too?!" He widens his eyes.

"I. Love. Them." You emphasise as you hold your hand up to high five him.

"Really?! We are definitely soul mates." He high fives you back.


"Do you have a tooth brush?" You call out from your bathroom.

"...I knew I forgot something!" Taehyung runs to you with a look on his face as if the world is going to end.

"Good thing I have a obsession with tooth brushes." You smirk as you open the bathroom cupboard, revealing multiple new packaged toothbrushes and tooth paste.

"Are you okay?" He giggles concernedly.

"...No... *snorts* Every time I go out shopping I always see new colours and designed of tooth brushes and because I have a habit of spending money on things I don't need.... ta-da." You point smirking.

"I mean, that's understandable. What one could I have?" He smiles widely, staring intensely at the pastel purple tooth brush with the silvers hearts in it.

You could be cruel and give him anyone that isn't that one.... but you can't do it.

"Pick anyone you'd like." You smile softly.

He's so damn cute!! You couldn't do that to him!

"Is this one okay?" He lunges straight for the pastel purple tooth brush and holds it up like an award.

"Of course it is Tae. I brought you in a cup to swirl your mouth out too instead of cupping your hands." You point to the matching purple cup next to yours.

"*sniff*... *fake gag*.. Quickly brush your teeth, it smells like ass." He pushes your shoulder away from him.

"That kinda hurted me tho." You pout, sending him to cackle which makes you grin too.

"You're an idiot." You nudge him back, swiping the tooth paste on the end of his nose.

"Hey!" He protests.

"That's what you get for being mean!" You chuckle evilly.

With your teeth both brushed and breath smelling incredibly minty, you stand at the end of your bed crossing your arms. This is a tough decision...

"What side do you want to lie on?" You pull back the covers and eye up Taehyung.

You thought you'd be nervous, or even maybe a little awkward considering you two would be sleeping in the same bed.... but you not, dare you say it your actually excited.

You haven't had a sleepover in years, let alone shared a bed with anyone. And if the cards turn out right, you might even get a cuddle too!

"Umm I don't mind, what side do you sleep on?" He raises his eyebrows.

"I normally star fish in the middle, I don't have a side." You chuckle.

"Right... then I'll choose this side as I'm closer to it." He giggles before jumping in.

"You picked my side." You pout.

"I thought you said you didn't have a side?" He raises his eyebrows laughing.

"Well..... yeah you're right." You snort as you jump in next to him, pulling your duvet up to cover you both.

"Hey y/n?" He pokes you.

"Yeah?" You turn on your side facing him.

"Thank you." Taehyung follows suit as he turns on his side to face you.

"For what?" You chuckle confusedly.

"For being you." He smiles softly.

"Hey Tae?" You smile.

"Yeah?" He nods.

"Thank you for being you too." You poke the tip of his nose softly.

"Hey don't copy me!" He laughs.

"But seriously, I just want you to always know that you're welcome to come here and stay for as long as you want. It's been nice to have someone to eat dinner with, to talk to and hanging out with someone as fascinating as you are. It gets pretty lonely living here all by myself. So thank you for staying and talking with me and making me laugh. It's been a pleasure meeting you Kim  Taehyung." You squish his cheek with your finger tips.

"You're too sweet y/n, I really appreciate that. You can always summon me if you ever want to eat dinner with someone, I get pretty lonely too so I'm always here if you need me! Plus the food here on earth is much better than the underworld. This has been the best night I've ever had, I've never had a sleep over before and it's been amazing. We should definitely do it again sometime.... or maybe every week." Taehyung cackles as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a warm snuggly hug.

"Tae?" You mumble in his shirt.

"Yeah?" He hums back in response.

"I know your my demon, and you're only here because of the deal. But I'm so incredibly thankful for you, you've became my closest friend and I would be sad if I never saw you again. I hope you'll be here with me forever, that is if you won't get bored of me." You chuckle softly.

"I'll always be here to protect you y/n. I promise to never leave your side and to always take care of you. You are my closest friend too and I appreciate you for being kind and loving towards me. I hope you never get bored of me either." Taehyung squeezes you tightly with a smile on his face.

But it falls slightly when your not looking. He knows something terrifying, but you're not ready yet. Time will tell if you figure it out yourself.

He hopes it's soon.

He can't loose you again.

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