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"Get your lazy ass up!" Jungkook knocks on your apartment door.

"That kid is going to be the death of me." You grumble, placing the pillow next to you over your face.

"It smells like Taehyung." You say muffled, pouting sadly. It's only been a few days since you last saw him, but you miss him dearly already.

"I wonder what he's doing." You sigh, finally getting out of bed to see what Jungkook wants.

"Y/n I know you're in there!!" Jungkook knocks again.

"I'm going to strangle you!" You swing open the door to be met with a innocent looking Jungkook.

"I missed you." He bats his eye lashes.

"I would say I'm flattered.... but you disturbed my beauty sleep." You scowl.

"Come on, I know you missed me too." He smirks.

"Yoongi, get your roommate out my face before I kill him, it's too early to be dealing with him." You shout, refraining to smile.

"Coming!" You hear him from within the opposite apartment, moments later appearing at the door with a smile.

"Good morning y/n. Jungkook leave her alone." Yoongi chuckles as he slaps the back of jungkooks neck.

"Ow that hurt you dick!" Jungkook scowls.

"Nice pjs." Yoongi points to your Daffy Duck pjs, which might I add that you are killing it right now.

"Why thank you. Anyway what do I owe this not so pleasurable pleasure of you demanding for my existence?" You chuckle as you cross your arms.

"Well....I... uh...." Jungkook rambles.

"Go on." You snort.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come with us..." Jungkook pauses for a moment.

"To the movies." Yoongi finishes off his sentence hurriedly.

"Right, to the movies." Jungkook nods.

.... That was a little weird? .....

"And you couldn't of waited until like 10am to ask this? It's 7.30am, the birds haven't even woken up for christ sake." You raise your eyebrow. Something seems off...? Maybe I'm over thinking it?

"Well I was awake, and I couldn't wait that long to get your answer. So I figured i would wake you up now and ask." Jungkook smiles widely.

"I hate you." You scowl.

"Sooooo?" Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows.

"Fine I'll come, as long as your buying the snacks. What movie is it?" You raise your eyebrow.

"That is a funny answer.... I don't know yet." Jungkook chuckles.

"So your inviting me to the movies.... to watch a film you haven't decided on yet?.... so basically you've woken me up for nothing." You stare at him in bafflement.

"....yes." Jungkook grins childishly.

"....When is it? Do I need to get ready now?" You raise your eyebrow.

"No.... we'll go tomorrow....it gives me enough time to find a good film to watch." Jungkook nods proudly.

"Your ridiculous, Goodnight!" You step back into your apartment and close the door. Leaving a laughing Yoongi and a sad Jungkook behind.


"Hey Tae guess was what." You sigh dramatically.

"What?" He tilts his head curiously.

"Jungkook woke me up this morning at 7:30am to ask me if I want to go to the movies with him and Yoongi..... to watch a film he hasn't picked yet. That's pretty strange right?" You tilt your head as you bring the freshly cooked food to the table for dinner.

"That's really weird." Taehyung nods.

"They seemed weird too, Jungkook acted off, and that's not like Jungkook." You frown.

"Maybe you shouldn't be hanging around them anymore." Taehyung looks at you seriously, a weird glint in his eye.

"That's a bit absurd isn't it?" You chuckle.

"They seem sketchy to me." Taehyung nods.

"Do you really think that?" You raise your eyebrow.

He seems serious. Like dead serious. Taehyung has always had a good judge of character, and he's always right when he's settled on his answer. He's always so kind and loving. But now that you think about it, ever since the first time he met them, he seemed to be on guard at all times.

But at the same time, you've spent more time with them, they have always been authentic towards you and the three of you have become quite good friends with each other rather quickly. Sometimes they act maybe a little obsessive, but maybe they really like you as their friend or it could be that's just simply how they are?

"Being a demon your senses are heightened, you can smell a good person and you can smell a bad person. When Yoongi opened the door to me when they first moved in, the smell was foul it was oozing off him. And when I walked into their apartment, they smelt evil, like a rotting carcus. They're bad people, but they're extremely good at covering it up y/n. You shouldn't be hanging around them. I should have told you sooner but I didn't want to upset you." Taehyung looks at you with such intensity. He really does believe in what he's saying, and what makes it even more real, is that he's never wrong. Never.

"Do I smell evil?" You whisper worriedly.

"You smell like a field of beautiful wild flowers. I knew that from the moment I met you in the bonding ceremony, that you have the purest heart I've ever came across y/n." Taehyung takes your hand and smooths your skin with his thumb.

"You promise?" You search for any change in his eyes. But find nothing. He's telling the truth.

"I promise."

"Then I'll stop hanging around them, I'll slowly distance myself from them." You nod. Taehyung would never lie, he tells the truth at all times

"The sooner the better. But don't make it obvious, try and pretend you have plans or you're working late. Avoid them at all costs." Taehyung nods sternly.

"What do I do about the movies tomorrow? Should I cancel?" You gulp, forgetting.

"No go, I'll be there in disguise to make sure that you're safe at all times. I won't let you leave my sight." He holds out his pinky.

"Thank you. I don't know what id do without you Taehyung." You smile and loop your pinky around his.

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