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Chamberlain slept well into the afternoon. The shade from the tree had blocked the suns' rays from waking him up, but there had been sounds that had woken him off and on.

He yawned and got up when he was ready. He remembered his banishment when he saw himself lying on the ground first, then remembered the new creature and looked over to make sure it hadn't been a dream. Brooklyn was still there in his spot, posing in his stone sleep.

Now that he was up for the day, Chamberlain went to find some water. He was thirsty and getting hungry by the minute. Some water would help until he could find some food. He found one nearby.

After drinking his fill from the water hole, Sil wondered what he was going to do for food. He wasn't the best hunter. That was usually the Garthim's job, not his.

He took note of the surroundings and went looking for some animals to try to catch if he could, but otherwise would try for plants or fruits if he had to. The land was so devoid of life much anymore when it came to food.

In the end, he had to settle on the plants. Animals kept on getting away from him. He finished his meal and went back to Brooklyn. The Greater Sun was setting first. His hunting had taken the rest of the day.

Then the Rose Sun. "One more sun to set." Chamberlain said aloud. He was anxious for Brooklyn to wake up and give him someone to talk to again.

Finally, the Dying Sun set. Chamberlain waited for Brooklyn to snap out of it. "Wake up, Brooklyn!" he ordered.

Then, Sil heard a cracking noise, then growling. He backed away. He noticed cracking on the stone. What was happening? Was he breaking? Then the eyes glowed bright white. He fell to the ground in shock as stone fragments splintered off the gargoyle. He closed his eyes to protect them as well as covering them.

Brooklyn roared as his stone skin came off. He stretched and yawned. Then his eyes returned to normal. He looked around and saw Chamberlain on the ground. "You okay?" he asked in concern.

Chamberlain lowered his arm. He was still in shock. "You...?"


"Your eyes glowed! Skin cracked! Thought you break!"

"Of course! My stone skin does that every sunset, Chamberlain. It does no harm to me. My eyes glow with the adrenaline that it causes. They also glow when I get mad, and when pain is involved too." Brooklyn explained. "And my wound is now gone." He glanced down at his arm. He took what was left of the leaf off where the wound had been.

The Skeksis looked too. His eyes were used to the dark, but there was still some light yet. He saw that the wound was gone! "That incredible! Never seen that fast of healing!"

"Our kind calls it the 'concrete cure.'" Brooklyn smiled happily, glad that his wound was healed.

"And no scar?"

"Nope. No scar. Except maybe when we get really old. Then there might be scars. Hudson sure has quite a lot, being the oldest in my clan."

"Hudson? What are names of Brooklyn's clan?" Sil asked.

"Goliath, he's our leader, he's purple-colored with almost black hair; Angela is his daughter, she has the same colors, but her mother's looks. Demona is her mother. I hate her! I'm the second in command; Lexington is green and is the smartest of us; Broadway is our cook, he's a blue green. Hudson is our oldest, he was the leader before he passed it to Goliath, he's also brownish; and Bronx is kind of like our dog or pet, he's all blue. He's the only one without wings. And another thing; me, Lex, Broadway, Hudson, and Bronx, are all named after parts of our home, New York City." Brooklyn explained, chuckling on that last part.

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