Chapter 36

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Brooklyn hoped that taking the Chamberlain back to his home world wasn't a mistake. Was taking him back worse than him staying here? He feared the worst.

It wasn't going to be easy to just think that the Skeksis hadn't been there before. He might as well have thought he was dead. He would have to find a new way to move on with his life. He still hoped for nothing more than that mate he would someday find.

The clan knew that Brooklyn was going to be a little withdrawn for a while. They would try to support him the best they could. Having to say goodbye to friends or family was never truly easy, in this way.

At least now Demona wouldn't be able to take Sil back to Sevarius, and likewise about the Illuminati. They couldn't get their hands on him either. Sil was better off in Thra, where there wasn't that kind of technology to deal with.

On Thra, the Chamberlain had been reduced to being the Scroll Keeper's assistant and castle errand messenger. He was the strict messenger around the castle now. He would never have his original position back as advisor.

SkekZok was now advisor. Even SkekTek and SkekNa had higher positions than SkekSil did. Sil was considered at the bottom of the pecking order. Even with his hurt arm, he could still deliver scrolls. He could still use his hand.

Sil was doing a good service for Ok, making sure he stayed awake to do his writing and such.

Chamberlain had to resort to once again, being as fierce as he could be around his fellow Skeksis. He just hadn't had to do this in so long. It had been nice to not have to be so fearsome on Earth, except in fights. He still thought that he should have been fit to stay there, but he had known about Goliath's stubborn decision to send him back.

But, thanks to him, without Jon Castaway leading them, the Quarrymen league was no more. After what Castaway had done in the middle of the city, and then the explosion to take them out, among various other times that Quarrymen had been arrested, they were all labeled as terrorists. The organization would never be allowed to reorganize.

The gargoyles had left an impact on Sil's life as well. Since he was back to having to defend himself at times, he used his training with them as well. The tail trip or whiplash was definitely used quite a bit against his biggest rivals. But, even at the bottom of the Skeksis order, he wanted to stay here in the castle, not being forced to live outside of it. He would do what he had to do to fit in. At least here in Thra, there weren't humans trying to harm him.

On Earth, the gargoyles and humans went about their normal lives, doing the best they could.

Brooklyn was still withdrawn, but he still did his job as Second. He did his best to support Goliath's decisions. The clan tried to be there for him the best they could.

Now that Sil was gone, Owen came forth and also told the clan what he had done to the Quarrymen that night of the explosion that took them out.

The gargoyles were all in shock. Brooklyn most of all. "I... I had no idea that he did that. And I was the one that took him there." Brook said.

"Look at it this way, Brooklyn, he said he did it for the clan's protection." Owen said. "And look what became of it."

"They are now labeled terrorists in the city, should they try to form again from survivors." Lex stated. "In a way, we should be thanking Chamberlain instead of doubting him."

"They were too dangerous to let live." Goliath saw the point. "Castaway was always the biggest problem, since he was their leader."

"I see your point. I definitely don't miss the morons." Brooklyn agreed.

"But what he did behind our backs was wrong." Goliath said. "At the same time though, I am proud of him, that he did that for us. We could only do so much for the city, and we didn't know where their organization was located. He managed to find it. The Quarrymen claimed they were a savior for the city, when they weren't. It was only a matter of time before they turned on all the innocents in this city, considering what Castaway did in the middle of the city some weeks back."

"Now all you lads and lass will be a little safer out there, but there will still be plenty of bad guys to deal with out there." Hudson declared.

"We know, Hudson. I just wish he hadn't had to go back still. I wish he could have stayed." Brooklyn said.

"We're sorry, but he didn't belong here. He belonged with his own kind more." Goliath stated. "But he's safe from Demona, Sevarius, the Illuminati now, and any other dangerous human."

"I just hope they don't take you guys again." Angela said. "The Quarrymen were some humans that I didn't feel sorry for. It was just bad for their families to lose some of them, especially if they had kids to take care of."

"Yeah, but those kids were under terrible influences too from those parents." Broadway spoke up.

Some of the ones that had made it through the explosion had died of later wounds or were very incapacitated now.

It would still be uncertain how the gargoyles would ever gain acceptance in the city. They would keep trying their best though to keep defending humans that needed it and putting baddies out of business. They tried not to kill, but here and there, it just happened in the heat of battle.

One night, Demona had a run in with Brooklyn while he was out alone. They had a brawl in the air, and it eventually came to a rooftop.

Brooklyn glared at the female. "What do you want, Demona?!" he demanded.

"I want that creature back! Where is he?!" she exclaimed.

"He's not here anymore. You'll never be allowed to get him back, ever!" Brooklyn retorted.

"What do you mean he's not here anymore?" she demanded.

Then he remembered what Sil had told him what happened to his kind when they died. "When you attacked him those few weeks ago, you ended up killing him! The thing about his kind, they turned to dust when they die. So, he's no use to you now!" Brooklyn snarled at her, as well as lying to her. He had to dissuade her from going after that icon to get to Thra.

"I never heard of such a thing." Demona stated.

"He was an alien after all. Anything was possible." Brooklyn said. "He wasn't native to our world."

"And that's why Sevarius wanted him, to study him."

"Well, he isn't getting anything now. You can tell that human to buzz off! You too!" Brooklyn snarled at her.

Demona roared her frustration that it wasn't going to work. She wanted nothing to do with Brooklyn right now. She would get him back one day. The clan too, though excluding her daughter. She still cared for her daughter. But why did her plans always have to fall through?!

She jumped off the building in anger, letting go her banshee scream.

Brooklyn wasn't in the right mind to fight her tonight. He was just glad that she had been fooled. His friend would be safe, at least from her. He grinned at that before going back to the castle.

Sevarius was extremely disappointed that he wouldn't be able to get the alien creature back again when Demona told him that he was 'dead.' He would have been a valuable specimen to work with. But from what he was told, the Skeksis would have only been valuable alive. Sevarius preferred live specimens more than dead ones. There might have even been a way to reproduce the DNA. There was a bit of trace of Chamberlain's DNA left. It might be trouble in the future.

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