Chapter 33

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After a few days and nights of getting the rest he so desperately needed after the accident, Chamberlain began to feel stronger, and he started to get out of bed more and eating more as well.

Elisa was still at the castle as well, recovering. The two of them were in the same boat, in a way. Though she had gotten a little less injured than he had.

Sil only trusted Brooklyn to help him with his clothes really. While he had to be doing things one-handed, his friend was trying to be there for him as much as possible. He no longer wore bandages on his head, but there was a scab on his head from his hit.

After being gone for so long, the clan had just wanted to be at home for now. They would begin their patrols again soon, just needing to be at home when two of their friends needed them while they were in the critical stages of healing.

Brooklyn looked sullenly at Sil. He was trying to get back to normal as best he could, but he definitely wasn't happy being in a cast. He had to take it easy as he moved to not tear his side stitches either. They itched and he hated it.

Sil also began noticing how the gargoyle was looking at him. He got up the nerve to ask him about it.

"Why you keep on looking at Chamberlain like that?"

"You don't seem happy here." Brook replied.

"Am happy here, yes. Just not about injuries." Sil corrected him.

"I get that. I wouldn't be either."

"You heal faster than Skeksis." Sil said.

"Yeah, but even broken bones for us are no picnic. Some might require surgery to correct and if not done the right way, a limb or a wing may not work the same way again, even with stone sleep." Brooklyn explained. "Elisa did say not long ago that the doctor thought in a few weeks, if your arm gets past this critical phase of healing, then the cast can be removed and replaced with a brace instead."

"Hmm, sound good. Itchy, it is."

Brooklyn still wanted to tell him the other news. He seemed to be well enough for it.

"Sil, do you ever feel like wanting to go back to your world?"

Sil's eyes lit up. "Like this place better. More places to see and go. Not so boring here. Maybe someday, Chamberlain find different job. Would really like politic job. What really good at."

"I don't know if humans would ever allow that though. There are still plenty of humans out there that are still a threat to us even more than the Quarrymen were. Especially like the Pack. Well, what's left of them. And Demona and Sevarius. I don't think they're ever going to stop trying to get to you." Brooklyn explained.

"I not let them take me again without fight." Sil said. "But never met Pack."

"Believe me, you don't want to either. They were once humans too. You've seen Xanatos' robots. Well, they were humans who had themselves turned into robots and a mutated werewolf. Cars finished off Wolf, the werewolf. But Jackal and Hyena, a pair of twins, they are still at large. They are practically invincible with the technology that they are programmed with. We try our best, but we are barely even a match for them." Brooklyn explained. "But you have met one of them actually. Fox used to be one of them, until she married Xanatos."

Sil had had no idea. Brooklyn couldn't take it anymore. He was going to break the real news to him gently.

"Sil, I hate to tell you this, but Goliath had a clan meeting a few days ago with all while you were resting. It was about sending you back to your world. He thinks you might need to go back, for your safety." Brooklyn had to tell him. It had been eating away at him.

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