Chapter 35

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Brooklyn, Sil, and Goliath came out of the portal into the air on the outside of the Castle of the Crystal.

On the inside of the castle, the Crystal was going off that something was going on. It alerted the Skeksis within it. They went to see what was going on.

There, in the Crystal, a portal was opened up just outside, and two beings just came out of it, though there were three.

"Looks like we've got visitors." the Ritual Master said.

"They look familiar." Ekt stated.

"One of them looks like that red creature that was here before." Tek noticed. He saw the other too. "Aw! They have the Chamberlain with them!"

"Who do you suppose the other one is?" SkekNa asked.

"Don't know, but we will find out. And why they brought SkekSil back." SkekUng snarled. He wasn't looking forward to seeing his old rival again. He and the others had thought they were rid of him for good.

Time here in Thra had been slower. Sil might have been on Earth for months on end, but here, it had only been a few weeks. There were just different dynamics of space travel in some aspects.

Once on the ground, Sil got off Brooklyn's back. He looked up at his old castle. He thought he would never see it again. But he wouldn't have missed his old clan.

"Well, Sil, you lead the way. You know where to go." Brooklyn insisted.

"Hmm, yes. Follow." Sil replied.

There were Garthim once again at the entrance. Sil cleared them to go inside.

Goliath was in amazement at these creatures. He had never seen such things but knew of beetles and crabs. They reminded him of them.

"What are those things?"

"Garthim soldiers. Guards to Skeksis castle. Hunters of our food, and defenders." Sil replied.

"I can understand." Goliath said. He had his wings caped, as did Brooklyn. It made passing into the entrance easier, though Goliath had to lower his body down just a bit.

They both followed SkekSil through the entrance and through the castle. When they came to the Crystal chamber, they were greeted by Sil's clan.

"Hello, visitors." the General greeted. "Chamberlain. I thought to never see you again. Why have you returned?"

"We are returning him to Thra because this is his home just as well as yours." Brooklyn came up beside Sil.

"He is returning on the grounds that he was in danger in our world. The dangers there for him were too great." Goliath spoke next.

The Skeksis saw that this one was bigger than Brooklyn and Sil. "Who are you?" the General demanded.

"I am Goliath, leader of the Manhattan Gargoyle Clan." Goliath replied honestly. He saw how the other Skeksis looked compared to Chamberlain. A lot of them looked mean and scary. But then, not that much different than how gargoyles naturally looked too, just about.

"I am Brooklyn, his Second in Command. Surely, you remember me?"

"Yes, we know you, but not your leader." Zok said.

"I return to Skeksis clan to be safe here. Earth get to be too much to deal with. See this?" Sil pointed his arm. "This result of one such thing."

The other Skeksis saw that Sil's right arm was in a sling. His robe covered the brace at the moment.

"Which one of you takes care of injuries?" Goliath demanded.

"That would be me." Tek stepped forward.

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