Chapter 37

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The next few weeks on Thra for SkekSil seemed to go slow. He did the job bestowed on him from his new emperor. Despite the injured arm, he was doing well.

SkekUng had noticed the changes in him from some of the things that he did to stand up for himself. But it was his usual hatred that he had for Sil that he kept him reduced to the bottom of the pecking order.

Knowing that the rest of the Skeksis wouldn't understand, but Sil talked to Tek too. He told him that there were wonders on Earth that he had seen that even he would have wanted to see and use.

Tek was a skeptic at first, but he listened to what Sil was telling him about certain technologies. These were things that he couldn't possibly be making up from the sounds of them. Sil wouldn't know how to use such technology for himself, but then, he was adaptable. Still, he was smart, but Sil wasn't a scientist either.

Sil had tried to tell his story of what he had encountered on Earth and many of the other Skeksis were doubters of what he had to say. That's what he despised about them, that they doubted whatever he said. But when he told SkekOk about learning a new type of writing, the Historian found it fascinating.

He showed Ok how to do the writing. If he hadn't learned something new on Earth, then how could he be making this writing up? It definitely wasn't symbols like here on Thra.

Sil kept his usual facade up, like he always did as before he left. His kind would never be as understanding of who he truly was, underneath how he displayed himself. He had truly wanted friends and had gotten them on Earth, but the other Skeksis were not so friendly to anyone, not even themselves. They would always be like this. And yet, they all were so power driven to rule their world.

When three weeks were finally over after coming back, Sil was in his lightest robe that morning, and he took the brace off his right arm. He felt it and it no longer hurt.

The only time Sil had ever been given any real help during his healing time was at dressing time. SkekEkt helped with that. But now that his arm was well again, he would be able to do it himself. The emperor had granted that.

Sil felt relieved to stretch his arm out and nothing on it. It had full mobility again. He would keep the brace as a souvenir. It was the only thing he had left from Earth. It was a reminder that he had been there. He would always remember his time there. He had enjoyed it far more than here, not to say that times on Thra hadn't been fun once upon a time. But he couldn't help but wonder if his friends missed him.

He missed them. At least they had treated him equally and taken his ideas seriously. He had been officially a member of their clan system. They hadn't treated him like a nobody.

On Earth, David Xanatos had talked to the mayor of the city to let the gargoyles have a say in that they needed the city's protection.

He was rather intrigued at the idea. He would like to get to the bottom of what the gargoyles did. He had seen Goliath's trial and heard his words on a video too back at the time. He would grant them this day or night to talk. In just a few days, they were to talk to the city about what they did for the city.

When David told the clan that night, they were more than thrilled that they were going to get their chance to talk to the city.

Goliath selected Angela for the speech. She was calmer than the guys were and would likely think more productively on what to say to the humans of the city. She had been raised by humans and was the best choice for this occasion.

Angela couldn't have been more pleased. The guys were also proud of her to represent them. She wouldn't be patrolling the next few nights, as she needed to prepare a speech.

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