Dimensional Retrieval

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On Earth, the gargoyle clan was getting ready for sunrise. Goliath counted them up, and besides himself, came up with only five others, Bronx included. "Where's Brooklyn?" he asked.

"We don't know. He disappeared around lunchtime. Haven't seen him since then." Broadway said.

"I saw that he was headed towards Xanatos' collection museum." Lexington spoke up. "Maybe he's still there."

"But we will have to wait until tomorrow night." Hudson said, and with that, they all turned to stone.


The next night, Goliath and the others awoke and went to the museum to see if Brooklyn was in there. When they entered the room, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Okay, you all go off and search the castle for him. I'll meet you all back here in an hour." Goliath ordered. "Bronx, find Brooklyn."

Bronx barked and went off to find the red gargoyle's scent. Hudson and the others all followed him and returned to the same room. Nothing.

"There was no sign of him, Father." Angela said.

"And Bronx led us back here." Lex stated.

"Okay. Then he must have gone out on a flight around the city. Go look for him." the lead gargoyle ordered.

They all began to leave the room when Lex noticed Bronx pawing and whining at a diamond glass holder that had been opened and the diamond was on the floor. "Wait guys, Bronx found something." Lex said.

The others came back.

When Goliath picked it up, the diamond morphed into a portal. Flaming hands reached out and grabbed Goliath. The others immediately saw what was happening and grabbed their leader and pulled him to safety.

Then the portal closed and dropped back to the floor as a diamond. The gargoyles just stared at it.

Lex then said, "Maybe Brooklyn was pulled through it, Goliath. Look at the floor. Drag marks on the floor! They have to be Brooklyn's."

"I'm going to let Xanatos know of this diamond portal." Goliath said and left.

He returned a few minutes later with the man. "This is the diamond."

"That is not a diamond, Goliath. That is a portal that will transport its holder to another world." Xanatos declared. "And only an immortal can touch it."

"Well, how do we get Brooklyn back?" Angela asked.

"We need someone who is immortal and can do magic spells." Xanatos said.

They all knew that Owen/Puck couldn't do it without Alex. Demona was the only other one they could turn to.

"I know we don't want her here, but Angela, you go and get Demona. She may be our only hope of getting Brooklyn back." Goliath said.

"Yes, Father." Angela said. She went to get her mother.

About an hour later, Angela returned with Demona. They went to the museum. "Okay, let's hurry this up. So you think I can help you with this portal to bring Brooklyn back?" Demona inquired.

"Yes. You are immortal and you know magic spells. Only an immortal can touch it." Goliath answered firmly.

"Alright. Where is this portal?" Demona asked.

They all pointed at the ground and there it was. A gem on the floor. She went over and looked at it. She kind of seemed to recognize it.

"You got the part down about only an immortal can touch it without the portal opening and I am going to do two spells. One to tell where Brooklyn is, and the second one to get him to come back." Demona said.

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