Bath Night

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The fight with the Pack took most of the rest of the night. The clan was away for a long time. Sil soon got hungry again and went to Xanatos' office. He asked if he could have some more food.

"Sure." David said and led him to the kitchen. He got some lunch meat out of the fridge and poured it onto a plate. Then he gave it to the Skeksis.

Chamberlain gobbled that stuff down. "Hmmm, good stuff. What is it?"

"Chicken." David said. "Best in town."

"Can have more?"

"You still hungry after eating a pound of that?" the man asked.


"Okay." Then he fed him some fish.

Chamberlain ate that up too. His appetite was growing.

"That's enough food, Lord Chamberlain."

"Still hungry. Skeksis hungry a lot. Need big meals." Sil explained.

"I'm sorry, but we need to save some of it for later." David stated. "That's enough and I mean it." He walked out of the kitchen.

Chamberlain sat there, feeling odd. He began to go looking for more food. He saw where Xanatos had gotten it out of. He opened the door and he felt instant cold. When he touched something, it was freezing! He dropped it.

Sure, the other foods had been cold, but he had never gotten it out of a cold compartment before. He shut the door. Maybe that was enough for now. He just wished Brooklyn would come back.

Soon, they all did come back just before sunrise. There was enough time to round up Chamberlain after being treated for some wounds.

Brooklyn had a cut on his right arm. It was bandaged. He found his friend in the TV room. "Chamberlain."

Chamberlain muted the TV and looked around and glared. He was upset that he had been left alone again without much explanation. Then he saw the white wrapping on Brooklyn's arm with red showing through.

"You wounded?" Sil asked.

"Yes. There was a big fight downtown with some enemies known as the Pack. They are very dangerous and formidable opponents for robot humans. The one called Hyena did this to me with her saw. Everyone else got a little injured too. And thank goodness it's so close to sunrise. It'll heal these wounds right up." Brooklyn explained.

Chamberlain got up to get a better view of the bandages. His friend's arm was bandaged from his hand to his elbow. Some blood shown through it, marking how big it had been. The TV was turned off as they went to join the others for the sunrise greeting.

When they got up there, indeed, Chamberlain saw that all the others had an injury as well. The wounds were all bandaged. This was the second injury that he had seen on Brooklyn.

The gargoyles were glad to turn to stone this time. Sil went to his new room to sleep the day away. He didn't think anything like that would ever happen, but he had yet to see this world outside the castle.

It was one thing for Chamberlain to go outside, or be banished from his home back on Thra, but here on Earth was very different. Brooklyn was trying to tell him that. His kind might be the more dominant race on Thra, but not here.

When the Skeksis awoke later in the afternoon, there was still some time to watch some TV before sunset.

It was another sunny day. Chamberlain was used to getting some Crystal energy in the mornings too. He hoped he could live without it. He had already found something thanks to Brooklyn to fill the boredom in the day for something to do.

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