Chapter 23

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Dr. Sato stopped by weekly to see how Sil's leg continued to heal.

Even though he was up and walking with the brace and his cane, Sil still felt pain in his leg, and it might be there for some time to come. He just hoped it would stop soon. He really wanted to be able to go out on Halloween to see more of it.

The clan was preparing for it, at least, the youngest members were. Sure, going out was a big risk with the gargoyle haters out there. If the clan went out to any of the parties this year, they would have to really disguise themselves.

Sil wondered how the gargoyles would be able to fit into actual clothes. He had his robes that he would wear out there if allowed to come.

"How you fit into clothes anyway with wings? I never see you wear clothes other than those." Sil pointed to the loincloths.

"We have our ways." Brooklyn said. "I once disguised myself as a biker guy. I wrapped my wings around myself. It made it look like I had pants on."

Sil tilted his head in curiosity.

"Like this." Brooklyn smiled. He raised his arms and wrapped his wings around his middle.

"Oh." Sil replied. "Clever."

Brooklyn unfurled his wings. "And you've seen how we cloak our wings around ourselves. That way works too."

"Yes. You know what you dress up as?" Sil asked.

"A biker again, maybe." Brook replied.

All the clan would have loved to just go out and have a good time and without having to worry about Fox being a werewolf this time. But now that she and David had Alex, they would be out taking him out trick or treating.


The temperatures were starting to drop outside at the end of September and into October now. It didn't bother the gargoyles, but it got to Sil. He began wearing more of his robes and they had to be cleaned a little more often.

Chamberlain took a bath every couple of days. He still liked to be clean and decorative. He also began trying to implement a private plan. He had heard that Jon Castaway had been bailed out of jail and was loose on the streets again.

Sil one day asked Owen while working with him, "Can you show me picture of what this Castaway looks like?"

Owen looked at him curiously but looked him up on the internet and he showed the Skeksis what he looked like. Now Sil knew what he was looking for.

"Why do you want to know what he looks like?" Owen asked.

"Just to know should ever see him." Sil replied. "Anything else you can tell Chamberlain about Quarrymen?"

"They are just sole haters and killers of gargoyles. They believe Castaway's lies about the clan that they think are monsters. He's really a Canmore. One of an ancient bloodline of humans that hunted gargoyles to extinction and tried to kill Demona too but can't." Owen explained.

"But know gargoyles not gone entirely." Sil declared.

"Yes, but don't ever tell them that. We can't have them going to those other places to harm those clans." Owen explained.

"Do you know where their location in city is?" Sil demanded.

Owen looked it up. It was there, but he didn't let him see the address. The blonde man warned him, "Don't be getting any foolish ideas, Chamberlain. They would think you look enough like a gargoyle that they could harm you again."

"Make sure not happen." Sil said smugly.

The two of them went on working, but later in the day, when Sil was by himself, he went to find an armory here in the castle. He looked at the weapons carefully. He knew what he wanted to do. He had seen some things in movies in how to manipulate some types of weapons. He had a plan to put into motion.

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