Chapter 32

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That night, when the guys awoke again, Goliath was told that Elisa was there at the castle. He hurriedly went to check on her.

Anything they had felt in ways of possible injuries were all healed now. Broadway went to go get Cagney. Elisa would stay here at least for a few days.

Dr. Sato came by to check on his patients. Sil was still asleep but doing fine.

Elisa was up with Goliath.

"How was Chamberlain, really, Dr. Sato?" Elisa asked.

"He had a really bad concussion. You have one too. You might have been released too soon."

"I feel well enough to be up but resting."

"Well, also to account that his arm is broken and a wounded side. He has a head wound too." Sato explained.

"He sure took a lot to save me and Alex." Elisa said.

Goliath was glad that his love was still alive.

Then, something came out of Elisa's thoughts. "Goliath, do you really think that it's wise that Sil stays here?"

"What do you mean, Elisa?" Goliath asked.

"I mean that there continue to be threats to him all the time. I know the same thing happens to you, but you are of this world. He isn't. Do you think it might be better to send Sil back to his home world?" Elisa suggested.

"You might have a point there, Elisa." Goliath agreed. "But we will need to talk this over with the clan and Chamberlain too. We need to get him at least well enough before he goes back."

"Yes. We'll do that at least."

Hudson and Angela returned to the castle and there was a happy reunion among them all. Broadway returned with Cagney. He took him to Elisa's quarters. At least this way, he could still be with Elisa and be fed and watered.

Broadway and Angela spent some time together just being lovers making up, missing one another.

Lex went to check on Alex. He wanted to make sure he was okay from what he had heard.

Brooklyn went to check on Sil, to see how he was doing. He wasn't in the infirmary bed, so he went to his room. He knocked and went in.

Sil was in his bed, still sleeping.

Brooklyn gently nudged him awake. "Hm?" he mumbled.

"Hey, we're going to be eating soon. Do you want something? Or want to get out of bed?" Brook asked gently.

Sil tried to gather himself first. "Mainly just want to sleep." he replied.

"You should eat something first." Brooklyn insisted. Then a growl from his stomach erupted. It was telling him how famished he was after not eating for so many days.

Sil heard it too. It made him smile for sure.

The red gargoyle was embarrassed and patted it. "Says I haven't eaten for so long." he blushed.

"Yes. Alright. Coming along, but just can't move like before at moment. Still hurt a lot." Sil stated.

"It's understandable. Here, I'll help ya."

Brooklyn helped him to stand up. His legs still worked fine. It was just his side that bothered him the most, other than being off balance with his arm in the sling.

Broadway and Owen were now cooking up dinner right now. This would be the first meal as a clan in over a week's time. They were all so ready for it.

Sil and Elisa were going to be eating at the table too. They just had to watch how they felt. Small meals would probably be better for them at the moment. Of course, even for the four males who had been taken. They didn't need to get sick.

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