Chapter 19

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Kirito watched as the conscripts and what few Rangers were left slowly tried to make some simple barriers of spikes and some ramshackle barricades to help protect themselves when the next wave of Fallout soldiers come in, along with burying some bottle-cap mines to help deal with both vehicles and the enemy infantry.

He watched as Jason went to a nearby table and reloaded the magazines for his glock 15's as he asked Kirito, "What do you want?"

"I'm wondering why there's a ninja standing before me." Kirito said as he walked past some soldiers being tended to by a medic.

Jason looked at Kirito as he said, "Why do you care if I'm a ninja or not?"

"Because Ninja's aren't frontline fighters. They tend to be sneaky and like to backstab people from the shadows." Kirito said.

"Sounds like a TF2 Spy." James said from somewhere nearby.

Jason shook his head as he walked away from the table and as he looked outside at the surroundings, he asked Kirito, "Is this your first time being on the front lines, Kirito?"

Kirito nodded his head as he stood next to Jason. The wind seemed to blow in the smell of burning from somewhere beyond the enemy lines and he held up his hands as he coughed at the smell.

"Looks like their heavy troopers are clearing out more infestations.... it won't be long before they come here and burn us all out." Jason muttered with clear disgust.

"Eh! Stop being so pessimistic, Jason! Come help us all for pete sakes!" said a nearby Ranger as he and his friend tried to haul what looked like a very cantankerous scrap and junk machine gun, the thing making racket as it tried to hold itself together.

Jason sighed as he said, "Well, how long have we been here? Too long! I just hope that my death will be short."

The other Ranger gave a sigh as Kirito managed to hear him mutter, "Defeatist." as they hauled the machine gun up to a nearby barricade and as they set it up, Kirito asked Jason, "Why are you so pessimistic?"

"Well, why aren't you the same way? Especially since we could literally die now from playing this game!" He said as he looked at Kirito.

"Well, when the SAO was found o be that way the first day it came out, a lot of us went along as if it was just life, even though it clearly wasn't." Kirito said as he looked around the landscape outside. "And as time went on, we got use to the fact we could die. It didn't bother us as much."

"Oh, so your one of those Japanese players... that explains it all then..." Jason muttered as he took a hand to stroke his chin.

Kirito watched as he could barely see figures moving around the outskirts of the "No Mans Zone", as Theodosius had called it when there was a loud boom! from up top and he watched as he saw a crimson explosion, a very small one, pop up next to a building and Jason muttered, "Isn't that the sniper you all brought along?"

"Yeah, another one of us Japanese players. And a good friend of mine." Kirito said with a small smile.

"Yeah but I've never seen such a good shot before. Even our best shooters miss once or twice... This girl is, like, a-" Jason stopped as he looked around before he said in a low voice, "Hacker."

"As if! Still, it does make you wonder sometimes but she was that good back on the normal Japanese servers so I think we should be very thankful that she's with us and not on the other side, eh?" Kirito said as he looked at Jason.

"Agreed. I swear she could see just about everything with X-ray vision." Jason gave a small chuckle as he said, "Still, even with her and your fellow conscript artillery I still don't think we'll be able to hold off the enemy heavy infantry that they'll be surely bringing up to bear against us."

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