Chapter 41

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When the sun had rose up, Halo had been sufficiently well rested and had already gotten up and moved about. He was going to be sore but as Kommando293 watched him, Yui sat down next to him as she asked him, "Are you okay? You seem a little bit tense?"

"Who wouldn't be..." muttered Kommando293 as he remembered how everyone had reacted to Yui in her new grown form.

Most specifically, Silverblitz.

"HOLY COW!!! I need to score that ra-" He had begun to say when Kirito slammed a fist into his chest and set him flying.

"That's my daughter you perv!" Kirito had shouted as he ran after the boy.

But as Kommando293 tried to not stare at Yui, it was kinda hard because she somehow had been the luckiest NPC of them all.

Her rack was D sized.... which made him wonder how the heck she had been lucky enough to get that rack size. It was a random chance for all female NPCS and almost like a lottery was there chances to get boob size. Most had up to A and B, with a few in C. But getting one with a D was kinda considered rare.

"Maybe I should take out that randomness and just make each of them myself next time..." sighed Kommando293 as he now wish he hadn't implanted the random rack size of all NPC's. It made him now feel like the biggest pervert in the world.

Currently, he was mostly sitting on a window as he looked out at the city and as he watched the sun slowly rise, he noted where all the fighting was and was pleased to see a few more buildings having smoke coming from them.

It meant that the fight was currently going very well, all things considered.

Then, Yui walked away as Kirito came to replace her and as Kommando293 looked at Hope and Hunter on Kirito's  back, he smiled as he asked Kirito, "I hope you don't hate me for adding your weapons into the game."

"Nah, its fine. Its better having something familiar in your hands then having to fight with a completely unfamiliar one, am I right?" Kirito said with a smile.

"That certainly is true... although, please don't kill me for what happened to your daughter..." said Kommando293.

"Nah, its fine. It just makes me more alert for if Silverblitz tries anything..." said Kirito.

"Well, I don't think he's that way... I mean, at least in real life..." said Kommando293.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, if your remember how those Bandits acted when you first came here, you would think that most of them are doing it for the act... of course, there are the few who actually mean it..." said Kommando293.

Kirito thought about it and, in some ways, it made sense.

There was an explosion a few blocks away and Kommando293 sighed as he got off the window and he took out his swords as he began to walk away and he said for everyone to hear, "Alright!! To the next level guys!!!"

Everyone began to get up from the rooms and then they all followed Kommando293 as they began to go up the stairs. But just as they began to go up, suddenly three scrap grenades began to skip down the stairs and everyone scrambled back and as the grenades went off, Kirito felt the wind rush by him as debris went by and Kommando293 quickly ran back up as he looked up to see several figures above with assault rifles and more grenades as they all had the face of Laughing Coffin over their faces as part of masks.

Kommando293 ducked back in as he said to the others, "Laughing Coffin!! We got more of the frakkers!!"

He got on the radio as he began to directly broadcast, "ALL GUILDS!! ALL GUILDS!! This is Kommando293 of the Ranger Guild!!! We have Laughing Coffin in the Big City!! Repeat, WE HAVE LAUGHING COFFIN!!!"

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