Chapter 26

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Kirito panted slightly as he sat on the hood of a car as he looked around the corpse strewn field he had cleared out with his friends. He was covered in blood and so was his Infected Bane and as he looked around, he wiped something off his forehead to find it to be Infected blood.

Why do Americans have to be so crazy? He thought once again as he watched the Rangers from the FOB slowly march out as SpartanHalo called out, "Alright, let's move out! Next stop, Charlie Capture point!"

Just as Kirito was beginning to wonder who would still control the fort, he watched as a convoy of beat-up vehicles and armed buggies appear and as Rangers dismounted from some, Kirito looked back at his company of Rangers and followed them away from the FOB as they began their trek towards the Charlie Capture point.

Kirito slashed the Infected down as the Ranger company slowly ground their way through a series of apartments between them and their objective. As Kirito shoved another Infected away from him just as Jason blasted it down with his glock 15's. Silverblitz fired his Deagles as he dropped a fat Infected and he watched in disgust as a dribble of vile puke and acid dribble out from the Infected's stomach where he had shot it. He fired again and blasted the things head to bits.

Mucia was swinging away with her sword as she lopped a Infected's head off while Rosebeth was stabbing away at whatever Infected made it past. SpartanHalo was firing next to Theodosius as they cut down a large amount of Infected that was beginning to build at the base of the stairs.

To say the least, they had five levels to clear and they still were just on the second floor. Spacemarine04 and SF024 were trying to keep a door closed with the help of James but the door was taking quite a beating and as the glass shattered on the window, Infected arms tried to grasp anything from the three. Sabrina was trying to hold back Infected from the window as Phantom was tossing Flashbangs all over as he fired with his dual pistols.

Kirito watched as another Infected scientist lumbered down the stairs towards him, Mucia, and Rosebeth and as he hefted his sword, he prepared to stab the Infected in it's face.

But then an explosion blew up the side of the building and as Kirito looked through, he saw a few Rangers in another building fighting off more Infected, one holding a smoking junk RPG-7.

"Alight, we gotta move! Everyone, get away from the buildings!" SpartanHalo shouted and as Raners poured from the buildings with a teeming Horde behind them, SpartanHalo attempted to get them out of this place as best as he could.

If Kommando293 was here, he would know what to do and how to do it. SpartanHalo thought grimly as they ran down a street as more Infected spawned all around them.

The only good news was the fact that the capture point was dead ahead, a building that could only be described as being what might have once been either a school or a police building but then he saw watchtowers and fences topped by barbwire and he knew that it was something much worse.

It was a prison.

Kirito slashed and hacked Infected down as the company of Rangers continued to push their way towards their objective and as Rosebeth managed to throw out a paintbomb that splattered a good amount of Infected, the Ranger company suddenly found themselves facing another small Horde of Infected.

Kirito ran to the front as he lead a spearhead of melee-armed players into the Horde as they cleared a path of blood and death towards the prison. Kirito watched as a player with a pipe was grabbed and he lunged forward as he hacked the Infected down and dragged the player back as SpartanHalo shouted again, "Move your asses now! Keep pushing through!"

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