Chapter 43

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As the two squads stayed inside the remains of a shop, Kommando293 watched as the three boxes slowly float down from the helicopter as it soon left the area and as they landed, he took them individually and put them inside as he soon called to Halo, Raiden, and private, "Alright guys, I got your armor here!"

All three of the armor was merely Demise-Patter Mark 6 exoskeletons but it was better than nothing and it provided them more protection than what they currently had on and as the trio of players out on the armor, Fell Ender looked up from his map as he said to Kommando293, "Alright, my scouts tell me that we are close to the Laughing Coffins front lines... Most of them that aren't entrenched amongst the barricades in the roads are dug into the many buildings around the roads..."

"Great... street fighting... this is going to suck..." said Jason from nearby.

"Can't we just level the city and be done with the game?" asked Kirito suddenly.

"What? Like some of the other towns and cities? Sadly, we don't have the munitions to do that, shockingly enough. I mean, it would take several hundred thousand missiles to level maybe a quarter of the city..." said Kommando293.

"Well... what can we do then?" asked Kirito.

"We... can only do a full-scale assault and hope for the best..." said DarkOne.

"What about an airborne prelude before the assault?" asked GrimReaper01, "Just like the D-Day landings..."

Kommando293 looked at him as he said, "That could be a one-way trip for all of us... I mean, I don't even know if they have any form of Anti-air that could knock out anything we have..."

Kommando293 sighed but then Fell Ender said, "Lets do that. Lets try a small distraction behind their lines and distract them long enough for our forces to arrive and get in the fight themselves."

Kommando293 looked at Fell Ender as he sighed.

"Is something wrong?" asked Theodosius.

"War.... War never changes... But I will walk in the valley of shadow and death and  I will fear no evil...." and then he looked up at everyone there.

"Because I am the meanest mother trucker in the valley..."

The C-130 was ragged, old, and quite frankly ready to fall apart. But as Kirito in his new MK3 Airborne exosuit slowly walked behind everyone else as they entered the C-130, the air-drop wings on his back made him feel off-balance even though, if he wanted to survive, he would have to shoulder the clumsiness of it. The wings, in theory, would pop out as he fell and slow his descent just enough that his armor could handle the shock of the fall. he was equipped besides his swords a Laser-rifle and as everyone slowly boarded the C-130, he looked at them all as he wondered who would make it from this.

He sat down next to Asuna as the C-130 soon started up and he saw nearby two other planes readying up with more Rangers and Fell Ender's soldiers and as he watched, the back of the plane soon enough closed as Kommando293 looked at them all as he stood with his Gauss Bow, Gauss rifle, and two swords.

"Alright, ladies and gents, listen up. Within a few minutes, we'll be in the air and headed towards the heart of the city. We will be dropping behind the enemy lines and securing a beachhead for us to se until the rest of the Rangers and Fallout members arrive as reinforcements.

"I will not lie to you all. This may be a one-way trip for many of us... I don't know if we'll even make it to the drop off zone... but what I do know is that when we hit the ground, we will let slip the hounds of war and cry havoc and raise all seven circles of H-E-L-L and make sure these Red Players never forget who we are.."

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