Chapter 16

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Kirito watched as SpartanHalo slowly approached the town hall with his friends slowly following. They all looked tired and as they slowly walked around the spike barricades, Kirito got up from his recent talk from DarkOne. It hadn't been really a big talk, just a simple report to him and that DarkOne would look into it. Kirito got up as SpartabHalo said, "You've been getting stuff done. Good, because I'm gonna go rest up now from all the chaos we just went through."

SpartanHalo slowly put his stuff down as he shuffled away into the resting room while Leafa and Recon joined him shortly. Lisbeth, Klein, Silica, Rosebeth, and James sat down around the table as they all tried to rest up from the fight they had in the hotel.

"So what are we gonna do next?" Asked Kirito as he looked down at the map of the city.

"Yeah... we only need one more critical location... I think SpartanHalo said it was going to be a Church for our next critical location." Lisbeth said nearby as she wiped her brow with the back of her hand.

"Did he mention anything else?" Asked Agil from across the table as he held a cap mine.

"Umm... NPC's were apparently in the Church..... armed NPC's...." muttered Sabrina.

Kirito and Agil looked at each other and then back at Sabrina. "NPC's? Why NPC's?"

"I dunno! I don't know why they put them in but they do!" Sabrina suddenly snapped as she looked at him with a heated head.

Everyone looked at her in surprise as she suddenly realized her out burst had been nt the best idea. She curled up on the chair and managed to squeak out, "Sorry!"

"OOKKAAYYY......" Said James as he looked around at the others as his eyes showed bags under them.

"Well, you all should rest up before we go, then. I can say that, from what the guide says that NPC's can be both good and bad." Said Kirito. "And that they can have all sorts of weapons at their disposal."

"Like what?" asked Rosebeth from her chair next to Sabrina's.

Kirito flipped through the guides pages. "Hmm... it says mostly common weaponry, everything from pistols to improvised weapons, which are weapons cobbled together to make one weapon."

"Well this sounds like its going to go well." Muttered Klein from nearby. A few hours later, after SpartanHalo had regained some HP and some needed sleep, they geared up and then headed out from the City Hall to head to the church, just around when the sun was going down.

The area near the church was quiet to Kirito and as they slowly crept alongside buildings walls. Kirito kept his sword out as they crept nearer to the church. SpartanHalo stopped as they came to the end of the building and Kirito watched as SpartanHalo flipped down his NVG's and peer towards the church lay. Suddenly, SpartanHalo groaned as he ducked back and looked at them as Rosebeth asked, "Whats wrong, Spartan?"

"That church just got converted into a Dark Church..... Kommando would be pissed if he saw this...." SpartanHalo moaned as Kirito took his own NVG's and put them on as he looked at the church.

And his jaw dropped as it hit the floor.

The church looked partially burned out from a fire, witha portion of its side blackened by fire and the windows all blown outward. The front door was lined with flags of flayed skin with symbols carved into them while spears lined the sidewalk with heads topping them off as they decayed in the enviorment. Bodies lay strewn about where they were killed and some bodies were crisped from fires. Many were tossed into large piles of decay and stink and as he looked at it, he heard laughter and howling coming from the church.

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