Chapter 45

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Kirito watched as the stretchers slowly entered the hotel as the wounded moaned and groaned and even a few were screaming in pain and as he watched them pass, he watched as the infirmary was slowly filling up. Yui and the other girls were currently trying to help out with the many medics as their medic outfits were blood-stained and as he watched Yui fix an IV-bag to one patient, he looked at all of this carnage as he saw Kommando293 going amongst the soldiers as he comforted them.

"OW!" Kirito jumped at the voice as he looked to see a Ranger with his lower leg missing and as Kirito knelt next to the bed, he looked at the scared Ranger as the boy grimaced and said, "Your him, aren't you? Kirito, I mean."

Kirito nodded.

The boy grimaced some more as he looked back up at the ceiling and said, "I never thought I'd see the day that I would meet the Kirito on an American server...."

Kirito looked down at the bloodied stump of the boy as he said, "Anything I can do for you-" he looked at the boys username, "-GurrenLagaan?"

"Well.... I would like another pain killer but.... I don't think the nurse would allow that..." said GurrenLagaan as he looked at Kirito.

"Daddy, could you grab that needle from the cabinet, the one with the red cap?" asked Yui as she tried to apply a tourniquet to a squirming patient on a nearby table.

Kirito ran over to where the cabinet was as he scrambled to find the needle she spoke of and then he found it as he wrenched open the door, snatched one of the dozens off needles there and he ran back over as he ripped the red cap off.

"Stick it-" began Yui when he said, "In his arm, right?"

"No, in his butt."

Kirito and the player looked at her as she finished and then before Kirito can say anything, Kommando293 flipped the player over as he ripped the needle from the hands of Kirito as he stuck it in the butt and the player grimaced again but then he relaxed as he said, "You actually wanted me to have painkillers?"

"Its just for now until we can apply this to you." Yui held up a robotic leg.

"That looks complicated." said GurrenLagaan.

"Well, we have a surgery room in here and we have the necessary stuff to do it. I'm surprised you made this possible in your game, Kommando293." said Yui as she put it away.

"Just more immersion." said Kommando293 when their was some screaming from nearby.

Asuna, Rosebeth, Mucia, and Sabrina were struggling to hold down a patient who had lost what looked like half his face and his left arm but he was still alive and as Kirito and Kommando293 ran over, he put the patient into a headlock as Kirito practically draped himself over the patient as Yui came over and suddenly injected a sedative into him.

The player went limp as she looked around and three medics wheeled him off towards the surgery room as Kommando293 said, "Some days... I wonder if I'm playing a game... or if I'm in a war..."

Kirito watched from some binoculars as he slowly panned it along the landscape and as he looked around, Phantom sighed as he said, "Its been two day cycles and still nothing from them..."

"I know, it makes me wonder what those guys are up to..." said Raiden said as he looked around nearby.

"Well, as much as I want them all dead, I also like the fact that they've been keeping the heat away from everyone so far. I mean, unless you all want to get into a fight with the Hacker..." said Kommando293 from nearby.

"Promise me you'll keep your word and really mess him up." said Phantom from nearby.

"I wont make a girl a promise I cant keep." said Kommando293.

"Oh-hohohooho." Kirito went as he put a curled fist to his mouth and tried to stop laughing but failed as he cracked up.

"Oh geez, wow... oh, can I get some bandages for that wound... geez that hurt." Phantom rubbed his chest from nearby as they all soon settled down and returned to looking around.

"Say, when are we going to go into the tunnels?" asked Raiden suddenly.

Kommando293 sighed as he thought about it.

"I don't like the tunnels... hate them in fact..." said Kommando293.

"What about them you hate?" asked Raiden.

"Well, parts o it are flooded so we need clunky equipment for those spots. Its also a maze and sounds reverberate from it seems like everywhere all at once... third, its so dark down there that if you didn't have anything to light the way, you literally cannot even see your own hand in front of you... and lastly, the Infected can drag you down in the water... drown you or slowly make you use up your oxygen..." said Kommando293.

"Is there anything worse than that?" asked Kirito.

"Well... I made the city almost like it had levels... see, the river was the part separating the first and second levels from one another... the next estuary of water is the pain... because its pracatically part of an ocean..." said Kommando293.

"Is that where the worst of the worst is?" asked Kirito.

"That's where the boss is, where the Hacker is... and subsequently, also where this area end zone is..." said Kommando293.

"You know, I find this map so weird and yet so amazing at the same time... you have to have had inspiration from something for this." said Riaden.

"Besides the weapons, I read, played,  and watched every zombie movie, book, and game known out there... this includes World War Z, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, and so many more I cant even remember..." said Kommando293.

"So... what do you think is at the end? What the Hacker might have for us?" asked Phantom.

"I don't know... I mean, this is a Hacker so I cant really fathom what it could be... besides, we should keep more focus or enemies than some Hacker who seems to be more afraid of us..." Kommando293 said.

But as he looked around, he suddenly noticed two figures way off in the distance.

"How the heck did they appear?" he muttered as he looked over with his gauss rifle and as he observed the two figures.

"How do you think they got their?" asked Kirito as he saw the figures.

Kommando293 looked around as Kirito kept an eye on them and that's when he saw a nearby sewer lid moved away from a manhole.

"You have gotta... Their using the tunnels that's connected to the drainage and sewer systems.... crimen-atley....." said Kommando293 as he reached over to a walky-talky as his helmet was being used as a rest currently.

"Fell Ender, this is Kommando293. I've found out what those Coffin-faces have been doing for the past couple of days..." said Kommando293.

"Alright, what is it?" said Fell Ender.

"We are going to need to get my team ready for the tunnels... because we need to exterminate some creepy-crawlies that's been giving me fits..."

Fell Ender swore colorfully before he said, "I'll get the gear ready... but are you sure they are ready for this fighting?"

"Well, until we get to the harbor, its either going to be we succeed or we'll be having a funeral for me soon." said Kommando293.

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