Chapter 37

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Before they entered the actual building, Kommando293 asked GrimReaper01 suddenly, "Okay what is the plan? Considering from last time?"

"Well, its to hold out in the lobby until another squad appears up to help us out, which should be a slim chance of maybe 32.4444%." GrimReaper01 said. "Which is better than our last attempts previously-"

"Okay lets do this! LLLEEEERRROOOOYYYYY JJJEEENNNNKKKKIIIINNNSSSS!!!!!!" Shouted Kommando293 as he burst through the doorway as he fired his assault carbine through the door as he charged through.

"Oh my gawd, he just charged in!" Jason said.

But GrimReaper01 laughed heartily as he and his crew suddenly shouted, "LEEROY JENKINS!!!!!!!!!!" and followed Kommando293 into the building as soon Phantom, Silverblitz, Jason, Theodosius followed them in, shouting the battle cry as well, until only Kirito and the girls were still standing outside as they listened to the gunfire echoing from within the building.

"Did.... did that just happen?" asked Kirito.

Rosebeth gave a sigh as she said, "Leeroy Jenkins.... of all the things it could be.... Okay lets just get inside guys." She quickly lead the group into the building.

Once inside, it was complete chaos for the entire team. Infected charged in from every angle and corridor and as Kirito blasted away with his pistol, he realized just how bad things were about to get as he watched the rate of reloads starting to jump up amongst the team, the clatter of spent magazines soon becoming very audible even over the firing of lasers and bullets. Kirito had a Licker leap at him and he brought up his sword as he caught the Licker and as it tried to bite off his face and he used the extra strength from his exoskeleton to throw it back as he raised his pistol and blasted it exposed brain to bits. Asuan stood faithfully besides him  as she stabbed and thrusted her rapier thought the heads of everything that neared them and as Theodosius reloaded his MG42, the amount of outgoing bullets went up as everyone tried to cover for his slow reload time. Kommando293 had a jam and as he tossed the weapon away, he took out a sword he had very quickly made the day before as he slashed down a Hunter and as it hit the floor before him, he looked back at the others before he asked into his radio, "Are there any units near Sector 011?"

"We're here sir! We see your position and are heading in to reinforce your squad." Came a voice over the radio.

"Be ready for a lot of Infected then!" Kommando293 killed another Infected.

Rosebeth threw a paint bomb as it shattered across the face of a Charger and as it stumbled, she sliced off its little arm before she plunged the blade through its head before yanking it out.

Kirito blasted another round form his pistol as he suddenly realized he was out of ammunition and as he tossed away the spent weapon, he slashed down another Infected as he finally relied on Elucidator and as he and Asuna defended themselves, Jason blasted away with his pistols as Silverblitz fired an almost constant stream of Deagles into the Infected everywhere, Bodies piled up all around them as the Infected seem to be slowed by the bodies when suddenly the other squad that Kommando293 had talked to burst in and as they joined in the fire, the Infected were staggered in their advance before they began to slowly be pushed back from the place until no more of them spawned in the lobby or the nearby corridors.

"Alright... All units, building 01 in Sector 011 has been secured. Awaiting reinforcements." Kommando293 said.

"What, we can't push on from here?" asked Asuna.

"Do you want to have new spawns behind us?" asked a girl player from the other squad.

Asuna was about to retort but she then understood what they meant as they just didn't want to have Infected surround them. Asuna as she said, "Okay..."

But as Kommand293 looked down one hallway that for a moment was clear of Infected, he looked at the other squad as he said, "Can you take a quick peak down that hallway? Keep two of you here in case we need them but I want some eyes down there.."

"Yes sir! Rekker, Halo, stay here with the Leader..." said the squad leader as the two players nodded as they stood next to the Command Squad as the rest of the squad quickly jogged over the corpses of the Infected as they soon quickly entered the corridor.

Kirito looked over at the players as he sized them up. Rekker was a boy around the age of 18, his eyes crimson red and his black hair had bangs of white like he had bleached them. He wore black military clothing with a Ghost recon symbol on hi shoulder as a private military symbol. He wore a tattered cloak with holes and he had the hood on his head. He also wore a skull bandanna on his face giving him a sinister look but not as sinister as Kommando293 had pulled off. He carried G18 in his hands, had on his belt a Katana blade next to a scythe, and slung over his shoulders was a AWP with a bipod.

Halo was also a boy but was a bit younger around age of 15. He had shaggy black hair with brown highlights, light brown skins and red eyes. He wore a white, sleeveless hoodie and he had the hood on his head. He wore gloves that extended up to his elbows as it had red details on them and then he had black pants and boots. He had on his belt a mini-katana that looked more like a wakizashi and had a compound bow on his back with a quiver of arrows.

Both seemed like skilled players and as Kirito looked them up and down, Rekker looked over as he saw Kirito and he asked in a gruff tone, "What?"

Kirito looked away when Rekker said, "Wait, your Kirito aren't you?"

Kirito nodded.

Suddenly, to everyones surprise, Rekker ran up as he asked, "Can you hook me up with Sinon????"

Kirito didn't know what to say as he looked at the player up and down when Kirito then asked, "Are you a player of Gun Gale Online that plays on the America server?"

"Yep!" said Rekker.

Kommando293 smiled as he said, "Rekker... don't get carried away.... Remember last time you met a famous celeb from Japan?"

Rekker looked over as he said, "But this is the Kirito! And its not like you can understand anything about Sinon!"

"Actually... I met her when she was on the server.. you got everything to lose with here." Kommando293 said.

"SINON WAS ON THE SERVER!?!?!" Kirito found himself being shoved to the side as Rekker ran over to Kommando293 and Kirito muttered, "Yandere much?"

"Kinda.. he's a good player though even with his small quirks...." said Kommando293.

Before Rekker could move another muscle, Kommadno293 lashed out with his hand as he smacked Rekker back and as Rekker landed onto the corpse, strewn ground, Kommando293 said, "I see you finally found an AWP that seems to be in decent condition..."

Kommando293 then looked at Halo as he said, "Hello, fellow Paraih..."

"Kommando293... its been a while..." Halo said with a smile.

"I see you tagged along with the squad like Raiden.... I wonder what made you do that?" asked Kommando293.

"Loot.... What else could it be?" asked Halo.

Kommmando293 shrugged as he then sent them invites to the squad.

"Your kidding me right?" asked Halo

"Want to have what we have though?" asked Kommando293 as he motioned to all of the exoskeletons and exosuits around them.

Halo looked a him before he sighed as he said, "Okay.."


"Geez, is he always like this?" asked Asuna to Kommando293 over the radio.

"No... I think we broke him but he'll be normal soon enough.." said Kommando293.

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