Chapter 20

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The explosion ripped open the campsite as Silverblitz dropped two legionnaires closest to them while Theodosius provide a wall of lead from his SAW at some Fallout soldiers holed up in a nearby building. 

All the while, Kirito and the other's were scrambling to the dune buggies as he jumped into the driver's seat of one and he found the keys to start it up as the engine gave a dark cough before it roared with life. Jason jumped on the mounted gun in the back as he dragged the swivel mount around to spray a nearby approaching legionnaire squad with a torrent of bullets that shredded three down and forced the others to huddle up with their shields down. SIlverblitz joined them as his Deagles blasted another Fallout soldier through his head and as Kirito backed them up, he spun the crudely-made wheel as he tried to get them moving.

He saw Rosebeth shove Theodosius into another buggy as she jumped into the driver seat with Sabrina taking shotgun, firing her military pistol at everything that moved around her. Theodosius took up his swivel mount as the dented .50 cal fired a torrent of bullets into the turtling legionnaires and Kirito watched in awe as the huge bullets tear through the shields to rend and shred the soldiers to pieces as their blood splattered the ground.

He applied pressure to the gas pedal as the wheels spun before biting the ground and they all jumped as he struggled to keep the buggies on the right path. Rosbeth's buggy was soon followed by another buggy that Mucia had commandeered and as they roared through the roads back to friendly territory, Kirito ducked and jumped as bullets and tracers snapped by his face.

"Can you actually shoot the guys in the front?" He shouted to Jason, who sat in the swivel mount behind him.

"Well why don't you try and shoot this rusted piece of crap!" Jason hollered back as he soon was hosing down the enemy positions before them with hot lead from his gun.

Something was fired, Kirito thought it as a rocket, and an explosion erupted before them but Kirito drove straight through the flames as more bullets pinged off the crudely fashioned buggy armor that surrounded him and his friends.

"Frakking rocket launchers!" Muttered Silverblitz as he aimed and fired two shots, both connecting with another legionnaire wielding a crudely made RPG. The legionnaire rocked back hard as both of the shots connected around his upper chest and both shots punched straight through his ribcage and out of his spinal cord, the blood painting the soldier behind him as his RPG fell limply to the ground.

Kirito drove the buggy through a barricade set up in the road and as the buggy bounced on the scattering debris, Kirito struggled to keep the buggy from tumbling but somehow he managed to.keep it from going into an uncontrollable tumble. He wiped the trail of sweat on his forehead as he kept himself focused on the road and the stuttering of the pivot mount behind him made sure he was fully awake.

He saw what looked like the No man's land surrounding the motel and he gunned the engine as he shouted behind him, "Here comes the final home stretch!"

He made the buggy jump over a small bump of debris and junk as the buggy caravan scattered the nearby legionnaires that were sheltered around and as Kirito kept his focus on the path ahead of him, he almost thought they had made it.


As soon as he felt weightlessness, as soon as he felt the heat around his whole body, he knew that he had run over either a mine or some lucky legionnaire behind him had gotten real lucky with one of those launchers and as everyone in his vehicle went tumbling, he watched as Rosebeth's buggy and Mucia's buggy come screeching to a halt nearby to the flaming wreck that was suppose to be Kirito's buggy. He felt bullet snapping by him and felt water being dumped on him as he watched James and Theodosuis take him up and begin to run with him between them while Silverblitz and Jason were cared for by Sabrine, Mucia, and Rosebeth painted the enemy soldier behind them to buy even more time for them to get away. And soon, Kirito was off into unconsciousness from all of the pain he was experiencing.

He felt a cool rag on his forehead and as he slowly shifted himself, he peeked open his eyes to see what was going on around him. He peeked his eyes open slowly as he saw vague shapes and colors and as he slowly watched his vision clear up, he was looking into the grim, blood-covered face of Yui as she took the wet rags off and dipped them in cool water before putting them back on his forehead.

"Y-Yui?" He asked slowly as he groaned from the pain he felt all over his body.

"Shh. It's okay daddy. The buggy protected you from the worst of the rocket. Jason and Silverblitz are also fine but you took the worst of the damage. You had a very large piece of jagged shrapnel in your left shoulder. I had to use what thread was around to stitch up the wound." She said softly to him as he heard approaching footsteps and he soon saw SpartanHalo come walking over as he looked down at Kirito. He asked him with a neutral face, "How do you feel."

"I just got blown up. I feel pretty good considering." Kirito groaned as he tried to move his muscles but SpartanHalo kept him down as he said to him, "Be still. SF024 is now on his feet and he had to help get you patched up with Sabrina, Rosebeth, and Yui. You took a lot of damage that should've made you die three times at least."

SpartanHalo shook his head as he said, "Either way, you did really well for your mission. Just get some sleep and try not to be a hero if something happens. Your in no shape to move around much."

And with that said, SpartanHalo walked away from Kirito as he had to attend to other matters.

"Yui, how have the other's been doing?" He didn't know what had happened to his friends.

"Most of them came by to check up on you at some point or another. Not much else I'm afraid, daddy." Yui got up from kneeling next to him as she said, "You should be well soon enough. A little more sleep ought to help speed up the process."

And then she left him as well, soon all alone as could be on his makeshift bed and as he sighed and closed his eyes, he let himself drift into a light sleep, just enough so that if something happened he would be awake enough to react to it.

 When someone lightly pushed him around, he woke up immediately and as he looked around, he saw Mucia standing over him with Sabrina and Rosebeth serving what looked like a broth to everyone around him. He was helped up by Mucia as she gave him a bowl of broth and as he took a sip of it,   the taste was like a warmed beef broth. He looked at her and asked her, "Has anything happened?"

"No. But we've been given word that reinforcements have begun to push the Fallout guild out of Heck and we've respectively withdrawn our mortar and howitzer teams from the other side of the river bank... Otherwise, all is quite on this front." Mucia answered as he watched Silverblitz try something funny with Rosebeth and he gave a small smile as she slapped him across the face.

"I think I should finally get up and get moving around." Kirito said as he slowly sat up and as he set the half-finished bowl next to his bed as he slowly swung his body around as his feet touched the ground, his body ached in dull throbbing pain of the explosion.

He pushed himself up as he got up on his own and as he stood, he wobbled slightly from having been bed-ridden so much.

"He walks! Now he's going to get sniped next time we go out." Muttered Jason as James gave him a shove and said, "Shut up, you spineless pessimistic idiot! Stop being such a glass-half-empty guy and look at the good. At least you aren't dead, considering you were in the buggy as well!"

Jason grumbled as he walked away with his broth as Kirito watched Silverblitz try to put his arm around Rosebeth again but she put down her bowl as she grabbed his arm and flipped him over as she said simply, "If my boyfriend ever saw you touch me, he would torture you with every technique imaginable."

She tossed him away as she stomped off and as she downed her bowl of broth before she gave it to Sabrina and she soon disappeared as she entered a nearby room. Kirito looked back at Silverblitz as he muttered, "Why the heck did she show her boobs then? Fucking women these days..." and hearing that made Kirito very cross but he also knew that Rosebeth did have it coming for her when she waved her boobs around so openly.

He suddenly remembered when he had accidentally landed under Asuna and had grabbed and squeezed her boobs when she had come onto the floor they were to meet up in. He smiled as he remembered her throwing him into some columns because of it and as he thought about her, he still missed her terribly.

And he needed to find her as soon as he could before something bad happened to them.

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