Chapter 44

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The C-130's continued to rumble through the sky as they were now nearing the Big City and as Komamndo293 watched from his map as the drop zone slowly neared and as he looked around at everyone, he nodded his head as everyone was visibly ready for the drop. He looked back at the pilots as he said over the radio, "ETA?"

"Almost a minute!" came the reply.

He nodded and as he looked back at everyone, the back of the ramp slowly went down as everyone got into a line while he took the front.

"Your chutes will automatically deploy after you pass a certain altitude. If all goes well, we should land within a few blocks of one another. We go on the green!" Kommando293 said.

As the wind buffeted the squads, Kommando293 looked down upon the cold, dark city as he knew this was going to be a whole new world of hurt for him.

Then, the green light flicked on and he ran off the edge of the plane as he dived head first and he could see the many other squads from the C-130's doing the exact same thing as all they could see at the moment was almost pitch blackness, since there was no moon this night and the stars were hidden away by clouds and as Kommando293 dropped through the sky, if anyone saw his mask they would feel only one thing with them.


Almost a minute went by and then his air chute deployed as the wings flipped out and he slowed down quite a bit as he watched for a clear landing zone. Below him, the wide open streets of the Big City and as he decided to angle himself down that way as he managed to glance back to see the others following his lead.

He watched as the distance slowly closed and as he braced his feet, he knew that the next thing was either going to hurt or kill him.

He then landed on the concrete as it shattered under his velocity and as he looked around with Stratos up, he heard the others land all around him as he watched the other squads land some ways down and towards his right and as he looked to his left, he saw no one down that way as it ended with them looking at a building that had been hit by a bomb.

"This is Kommando293 to all Strike teams... we have landed. Move to the rally point." They had set the rally point in the remains of an old Guild base and as everyone formed up around him, he looked around and then he began to get a move on as they had only so much time before the day cycle came up.

Kirito ran behind Kommando293 as he kept his Laser rifle out and as he looked around, the other two squads had finally joined him as he watched Kommando293 keep his map out as he watched it and ran at the same time. Kommando293 turned down another street and then he looked around as he silently pointed ahead towards the base. It was another repurposed hotel but this one was a lot more armored along the windows and as they approached it, Kommando293 said, "Alright, lets see if the friendly neighborhood dogs are inside."

They all ran down the road quickly as Kommando293 reached the door and as he turned on his NVG's, he looked around as he pulled back his bow and nailed a mutant as several more scampered from the surroundings and everyone fired the silenced pistols they had been given as they quickly dropped the mutants in their tracks.

"My squad, to the HQ. Fell Ender, to the armory, and I want the rest of you to stay here and keep an eye out for the Red Players... we don't need any of them sneaking up on us when we least expect them to." said Kommando293 as he quickly began to head for the stairs.

Everyone quickly did as they were told and as Kommando293 raced up the stairs for the HQ, Fell Ender ran down to the basement as they fired their silenced weapons at the mutants that were all over. Kommando293 came to the door as he quickly hacked into the controls and as it soon began to roll open, he took out his swords as he and Kirito charged in and they quickly slew all of the mutants as they scrurried around the room and as Kommando293 looked around, he nodded as he went to the radio and said over a secure channel:

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