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"Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter (fighter)
'Cause all my life, I've been fighting
Never felt a feeling of comfort, oh
And all this time, I've been hiding"

There's no one on this earth, Draco Malfoy hated more than his father. Lucius Malfoy was cold, abusive, and strict. By the time Draco was 11, he knew better than to make a sound when his father arrived in a foul mood.

His mother was the complete opposite. She was soft, warm, and loved her son more than anything. Draco wished she spent as much time with him as she did drinking. She drank to ease the pain. The pain of watching her husband beat her and her only child, the pain of watching said husband fuck other women, and the pain of knowing that if she left, she'd never see Draco again. So she stayed, for her son, because there was no one on this earth, that she loved more than Draco Malfoy.

Draco heard the door slam. Not an easy thing, considering he was on the 4th and last floor of the manor. He cringed, scared of what would happen. His dad was probably in a horrible mood. He stood quietly and turned his TV off, knowing that if his dad caught him, he'd be in for it.

"DRACO!" he heard his father yell up. He winced at the tone.

He walked down to the location of the voice looking down. Lucius was standing in his office with a letter, while Narcissa sat on the sofa, quietly crying into her hands.

Draco swallowed thickly, "Yes sir?" he asked scared.

"Pack your things. You're going to boarding school. School starts September 1st" he explained.

Lucius nodded once at Draco before leaving the office and disappearing.

"Mom? Why are you crying?" he asked, walking up to her carefully.

Narcissa looked up at her son and pulled him into her lap, "Because I'm going to miss my favorite boy and now I'll be lonely until you come back in June" she told him gently.

Draco snuggled into her chest and let her baby him. It was rare that he let himself be touched since all he knew was pain.
He had just turned 11 and now he would be starting the 6th grade, or Year 1 as they said at Hogwarts. He had exactly one week before school started.

He hoped he would get good marks so he wouldn't anger his father any further.
Hey guys! I finally started uploading my story! I know it took forever but life got in the way and I've been dealing with some personal stuff.
Anyways!!!!! Some of the chapters have videos linked to them. The videos link what mindset I was in when I wrote the chapter and to me, it's what song best represents the feeling of what's happening. Please, please, PLEASE read while the songs play in the background. If it doesn't have a song, it just means I felt like nothing could compare. Now, also remember to please vote and comment on your favorite parts!

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