F U T U R E - Draco's POV

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*10 years later*

I watched from the bed as Hermione raced around the room trying to put on her scrubs and gather her work things. I glanced at the clock... Saturday.

I sighed, "Hermione love... it's Saturday. The clinic is closed. Come back to bed" I told her gently.

She stopped and looked at me, "IT'S SATURDAY?! WHY AM I EVEN AWAKE AT 5:30 IN THE MORNING ON A SATURDAY?!" She screeched as she quickly undressed and dove back under the covers.

I felt her shuffle to my side and opened my arms for her to get settled in.

When she was finally comfortable, I laid my hand gently on her small baby bump and ran my hand over it, "Hermione love, you have to stop getting yourself worked up like that! Remember the doctor said it's not good for the baby. Plus, even if it was a workday, you would've still been to work on time considering we live two buildings away from our own clinic!"

She looked down at my hand embarrassed, "Sorry! I forget I'm pregnant. It's still so new to me that I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around the fact that we're going to be parents and that we've been married for almost 9 years! I'll try to calm down some. I promise" she responded, pouting.

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her gently, "You're forgiven Dr. Granger-Malfoy. You know I love you regardless of how crazy your antics are. Now go back to sleep and when you wake up again, we're going to discuss the possibility of you working fewer days at the clinic." I murmured to her softly.

She nodded as she yawned and snuggled into my chest, "I love you too Dr. Malfoy and I would definitely not be against working fewer days at the clinic as long as we're both home on the same days." She responded, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep quickly.

I watched her sleep and reveled in the soft warm feeling in my chest.

All was well...

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