S U M M E R - Draco's POV

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"There must be something in the water
'Cause every day it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under"

*5 months later*

The train ride back to Platform 9 ¾ felt eternal. I didn't want to spend the entire summer in the same house as my father.

Hermione sat leaning against me, reading a book while Blaise was somewhere else. Ever since he'd come back from the holiday break, he'd been acting weird and distant. We had chalked it up to being busy and having other friends, but I thought it was because he had a crush on Hermione and was mad we spent so much time together.

When we arrived at the platform, Hermione and I said our goodbyes, promising each other to text every day and maybe see each other for my birthday in 4 days.

She hugged me tightly one last time, "I'm going to miss you so much!" she told me, hanging on to me.

I wrapped my arms around her feeling weird for letting someone hug me so much, "I'm going to miss you too 'Mi, but hopefully I can see you for my birthday" I told her gently.

She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek before letting go. I felt myself turn red and look around as she walked away. I spotted my mother in the distance watching us, a smile on her face.

I walked to where she was standing, "Hi mom! Thanks for picking me up" I told her.

She ruffled my hair, "Hello sweetie. It's no problem, I couldn't let my favorite boy out here all alone. Although, you seemed to be fine with that little girl I saw you with. Is that your girlfriend?" she asked.

I stared at her with wide eyes, "N-No! That's Hermione. She's my friend and only my friend" I explained.

She chuckled and shrugged, "Alright, alright. Sorry. Let's go home, your father will be home soon"

My heart fell in my chest at the mention of my father and I sighed quietly.

The drive home was uneventful and boring. When I got back to the manor, I quietly took my things back to my room, showered, and locked myself in my room until my father arrived.

I heard the door slam forcefully. It would be a long summer.
Hello! Sorry, I'm sorry it took so long to upload a new chapter but life gets in the way!
Anyways, let me know what you think ✌🏻

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