Y E A R 1 - Hermione's POV

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"Lost and insecure
You found me
You found me lyin' on the floor"

Talking to Draco was easy and fun. He seemed to manage to get my words flowing.

On our first Saturday of the term, we walked around exploring and talking about ourselves to each other. We seemed to have a couple of things in common like what cartoons we liked and the fact that we both wanted to get as far away from our parents as possible.

We were so entranced by our conversation, that we weren't paying attention to our surroundings. I felt myself walk into something soft and fleshy.

My body filled with dread when I saw it was another student, "I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking and didn't see you" I managed to choke out.

The red-headed student looked at me sneering, "Watch where you're going bitch. I can't believe you walked into me" he replied in a venom-laced tone.

I started to shake and felt Draco shift his feet and step towards him, "Leave her the fuck alone. She already apologized, plus we weren't looking. It wasn't on purpose, and don't call her bitch. She didn't do anything to you" he told him.

The next thing I knew, Draco was on the floor and his lip was bleeding. His whole expression was livid with anger.

The student turned his attention to me and slapped my face. I felt my body hit the floor as the sting on my face grew. I could feel the familiar prick of tears in my eyes as I looked down.

I felt when he got closer to me and leaned down to my level, "It'd do you good to tell your little boyfriend, to stay the fuck out of things that don't concern him" he told me threateningly.

He walked away, finally leaving us alone.
I looked over at Draco who was seething with anger, "Are you okay? Your cheek is swelling. We need to put ice on it" he told me, standing up and wiping the blood off his face.

I nodded and sighed, "I'm fine Draco. This is nothing to what I'm used to" I admitted without thinking as he helped me up.

"I'll be back later," I said before almost running away. I ran back to the dorm and hid for the rest of the weekend. I felt stupid. I didn't want him to know I was such an easy target to bully. If he found out, he'd probably stop talking to me and stay away from me for fear of being a target himself.

I didn't see Draco until Monday morning when I walked into class. I gave him a small smile as he examined my face from a distance. I could see his lip had started to heal but it looked painful.

I watched as his face fell when I didn't go over to him and the other boy standing by him. I hoped he wouldn't be mad and would forget what I had said.

I spent the rest of the day avoiding Draco, a task not easily done considering we had almost every class together. By my last class, I was ready to hide out in my room, but when I walked out, he was waiting for me in the hallway.

"Why are you avoiding me Hermione?" he asked me accusingly.

I tried to think of an excuse, "I'm not avoiding you Draco. I've just been busy with my classes" I answered, hoping he'd accept my answer.

His eyes narrowed as he watched me, "That's a fucking lie and you know it. You ran away from me the minute Ron left us alone. Did he say something to offend you? Is it because he said I was your boyfriend?" he questioned.

I sighed and decided to just tell him the truth, "That's not it Draco. I ran away because I didn't know how to tell you that I'm usually a target for bullies. Look how small I am! People hit me and push me around. It's the main reason my parents sent me here. So they wouldn't have to deal with it. I'm sorry I ran away from you" I finally told him.

His eyes widened at my words, "Hermione if someone is picking on you, I want you to tell me. I know you're small, it's the first thing I noticed about you, but still. Stick with me and people will leave you alone. I won't let anyone pick on you" he told me, pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back, "Thank you" was all I said.

Is anyone really reading? Or am I just posting for fun? Let me know in the comments please 🥺

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