T H E P L A N N I N G - Lucius' POV

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I looked over at my partner in crime since birth as he studied over the restraining order my dear son and his whore had served me.

"It looks iron clad Lucius. YOU can't go within 300 feet of either one of them. If you're caught, it'll automatically be 10 years in prison. YOU can't go near them... I, however... can." He finished grinning evilly.

I chuckled lightly, "That little slut won't know what hit her. You'll enjoy the taste of her Severus. She's quite delicious when she's not running her mouth and complaining. We'll have to gag her so her insufferable voice doesn't hurt our ears... How will you do it?" I asked excitedly.

Severus thought for a moment before answering, "Tom will distract your spawn. While he does that, I'll grab her and bring her here. It's a good thing you thought to buy property on Hogsmead. If not, I don't think we would've been able to do this. Once we bring her here, We'll tie her up and we can have our fun. We'll fuck her until she agrees to sign over her mother's practice and if she doesn't, we'll bring in Draco. His life being put on the line ought to encourage her to choose quickly.

I chuckled to myself once again. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Hermione and ruin her the way I had ruined Narcissa while she was still alive. I was in for a great time.

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