D E P E N D E N C Y - Draco's POV

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"So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are"

I could hear her sobbing the minute I walked into the dormitory. I could pick out her crying from anyone else's. It was like I was in tune with her.

I sat on the edge of the bed, "Hermione? What's wrong? Did something happen love?" I asked her.

I could hear her gasping for breath, before I could stop myself, I began stroking her hair, "H-Harry... h-he forced h-himself on m-me a-and then b-broke up w-with m-me" she finally managed.

My body burned with anger but my blood ran cold. All I could see was red. How dare he fucking touch her?!

"He what?! Why the fuck did he do that?" I questioned, angrily.

I watched as she tried to take calming breaths, "He wanted me to sleep with him and I said no. He said that if I truly loved him, I'd give him what he wanted and that it wouldn't even hurt. Then he bent me over his bed and... did things to me to hurt a lot" she finally choked out.

The anger inside burned even hotter, "Fuck him. I'm going to beat his ass, and then, I'm going to kill him" I told her as I began to stand up.

Before I could go anywhere, I felt her grab my hand, "Dray wait! Don't leave me alone right now, please. I just... I just want you right now. I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I've been avoiding you" she begged me as she held on to my hand.

I sighed and sat back down, my back against the headboard. I watched her as she crawled and settled in my lap carefully. Almost as if she was afraid it would hurt her. That's when it dawned on me.

My stomach tightened in a knot when I saw it. He HAD hurt her. I could see the bruises forming around her neck and I looked at her arms, I could already see a faint shadow on the upper parts of them. That's why she was scared to sit and move around. It was her first time and he had ruined it for her.

I felt my temper reach a new level of anger as I wrapped my arms around her carefully, "What are you doing love?" I asked her as I drew her closer to me, wanting to protect her and never let her go.

"Sitting on my best friend's lap so he can comfort me" she mumbled as she buried her face in my neck. I could hear her inhaling my perfume.

It was hours before we moved again, the entire time I listened to her crying. I stroked her hair and back wanting to take her pain away.

When Blaise finally walked in, he stopped dead in his tracks as he took in the scene in front of him, "Hermione? What happened?" he asked quickly, taking in the fact that she was still crying in my lap.

"Potter broke up with her, after forcing himself on her," I told him, hoping he'd understand.

We stared at each other, the other understanding what needed to happen. We needed to make Potter pay for hurting her.

"I'm going to get Ginny" he finally said.

He walked out and quickly came back with her. I gently pulled her off me and set her on the bed, "Stay here love. We'll be back soon" I promised her.

Blaise and I walked out of the room, "I'm going to fucking kill him" I told Blaise, my jaw tensing.

Blaise nodded, "So am I. Fucking asshole"

We continued our walk to the Gryffindor building and when we arrived at the doors, Weasley stopped us, "Where the fuck do you snakes think you're going?" he asked.

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