Y E A R 2 - Hermione's POV

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"If you can wait 'til I get home
Then I swear, come tomorrow
This will all be in our past
Well, it might be for the best"

I arrived at the platform excited to see Draco. I hadn't seen him since June.

I said goodbye to my parents and dropped my trunk off. I looked around for him until I spotted his platinum blonde hair. I could tell he was looking for something or someone.

"Dray!" I screamed as I ran to him.
I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around him. He caught me easily and I hugged him tightly.

I buried my face in his neck smelling his perfume, "I missed you so much, Dray! I spent the entire summer thinking about you" I told him excitedly.

I felt him hug me tighter before he spoke, "I missed you too love. Now come on. Let's go inside" he responded as he set me down gently.

I started up at him. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was longer. He had even gotten taller, still making it hard to look and admire all of him. He looked like Draco, my Draco, but tired.

He pulled me with him into the train and once he sat down I quickly laid on his lap, not wanting to be away from him for long.
We talked until the train finally started moving and after about 10 minutes I felt myself falling asleep.

When I finally woke up, I noticed Blaise had joined us in the compartment, "Hi B. Why didn't you guys wake me up? How long have you been here?" I questioned, sitting up.

"I've been here about 20 minutes, but I think Malfoy mentioned you'd been asleep for a bit over an hour" Blaise answered me.

I looked at Draco who was sitting tensely, looking out of the window, away from us, with his hands in his lap. I wondered what was wrong but before I could ask, a fourth person walked into the compartment.

Before I knew it, Draco had an arm around my waist and was dragging me across his lap to put himself between me and whoever had just come in. I looked around him and saw a flash of red hair.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the band of misfits. How cute. They've added a third. Zabini I didn't know you liked to associate yourself with trash" I heard Ron say.

"Shut up Weasley. You know what would happen if I was to make one phone call to Aunty Molly" Blaise told him.

I heard Ron shuffle forward, closer to us and I felt Draco step back, pinning me against the wall even more, "Whatever. I'm just here to drop this one off to you. You know she's been in love with you since forever" he said.

I saw another flash of red hair and a little girl fell next to me. She looked absolutely terrified. The compartment door opened and Draco finally moved away from me.

"Sorry love. Once I saw who it was, I didn't want him to touch you" he told me gently.

I nodded in agreement and turned to the little girl, "Are you okay? What's your name?"

Blaise sighed, "This is Ginny. Ginny Weasley. She's Ron's little sister" he explained as he helped her up.

"Blaise, are you related to Ron? How do you guys know each other?" I asked him.

"Our moms used to be best friends until mine passed away. Ron & I grew up together and then Ginny came along and it was the three of us. Then mom passed away, Ron turned into a dick and I stopped coming around" he explained.

I looked around at the group and shrugged, "Well Ginny, welcome. Stick with us and you'll be fine" I told her gently. She smiled at me quietly.

When we arrived at the school, we made our way to our building after a quick bite in the Great Hall. Ginny had been assigned to Slytherin just like us. I showed her the girl's dormitory for the first years and left to find my bed.


"Come on babe! Draco and Blaise will be nice I promise! I made them promise they would be" I told my new boyfriend as I dragged him to the Slytherin common room to meet Draco and my other friends.

Draco stood up and walked over to us, "So... you're 'Mi's new boyfriend? What's your name?" he questioned, looking him straight in the eye.

"Harry Potter" was all poor Harry managed as he shook in his shoes.

Blaise got up and stood next to Draco, "Potter eh? And what gave you the idea that you have permission to date Hermione? Because I don't remember you asking me, and I know for a fact you sure as hell didn't ask Draco. Did you? Draco, did he ask you permission?"

Draco shook his head, "He didn't. Off to a bad start Potter! How can I trust you with my best friend if you don't ask? Just know, if you hurt her... we'll make you regret it"

"Enough you two! Leave Harry alone! Hi! I'm Ginny" she introduced herself.

I noticed Harry relax slightly and I glared at Draco. He winked at me and a smile broke out on my face as I rolled my eyes.

"Hello, Ginny. Nice to meet you" Harry introduced himself.

"We're just kidding mate. You can keep her and her insufferable ways. Blaise by the way. I do just want to say that Malfoy is right. If you hurt her in any way, we'll beat your ass" Blaise told him. I rolled my eyes again. These boys would be the death of me.

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