H O G W A R T S - Draco's POV

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"When the night is cold and you feel like no one knows
What it's like to be the only one buried in this hole
You can make it to the sunrise (whoa)
You can make it to the sunrise (whoa)
Searching for a way to escape the madness
A dire need for change as we fight for better days
The hurt and the pain cut deep like a razor blade"

Draco stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom. His ribs hurt from the beating he'd just received. He had accidentally dropped something and his dad had come charging into his room, punishing him. Tonight was his last night here and tomorrow, they'd drop him off at the train station and he would be free of his dad until June. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

"Draco! Get your ass down here now!" his father yelled up.

I cringed and groaned internally as I got out of bed and made my way downstairs.

"Yes sir?" I asked, not daring to anger him anymore.

"While you're at school, I want you on your best behavior. If you even think about setting one toe out of line, I'll have you back here so fast you won't know what hit you. Second, you better act like a Malfoy. I want high marks, no excuses. Lastly, try not to ruin anyone else's life like you've ruined mine" he told me sternly while glaring at me.

I nodded, my mouth forming a straight line at his last comment. He liked to remind me that I was a mistake. A drunken night with my mother that had gone wrong. Thanks to me, he hadn't been allowed to leave the family business. A business, that eventually, would be mine. I didn't want to become a lawyer and take over the practice, but that's what Malfoy men did. I sighed as I waited for him to either dismiss me or leave.

He dismissed me and I heard my mom gently calling me.

"Yes, mom?" I asked her, trying to not let my irritation get the best of me.

"Sweetie I have a gift for you. Follow me" she told me quietly.

I followed her to her room as we walked into her closet. I watched as she grabbed something from the shelf and turned around with a small box in her hand.

"Don't let your father know I bought it for you. You know how he gets" she told me as she handed me the box.

I opened it, and inside was a cellphone. I looked up at her curiously.

"I want you to be able to text me if you need anything. This way, we can also talk on the weekends and we don't have to depend on email. Plus, you're going to a new school, and I want you to make friends and have fun with them" she explained.

I smiled up at her, "Thanks, mom. I love it. I promise to call you whenever you want me to."

I gave her a hug goodnight before retiring to my room to hide the phone in my backpack.

I was nervous about starting a new school and meeting new people. I didn't always have the best luck making friends and people tended to only be friends with me because we were wealthy. I lay in bed wondering how my life would change at this new school.

Morning finally came and it was time to be dropped off at the train station. The school had a reserved area for its platform. I was looking around for Platform 9 ¾ for a few minutes, before finally spotting it. Walking into the platform, I could see people of all ages walking around. I walked onto the train and found an empty compartment at the back, in the last train car.

I sat by myself for a long while until finally, someone opened the door

I looked up to see who it was, "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't know it was taken! I'll go somewhere else" a girl said.

She started to walk out, "Wait! You can stay if you want. I'm not expecting anyone" I told her.

I observed her as she sat. She had bushy brown hair and big teeth. She was tiny and looked like I could probably pick her up easily. Her eyes were the color of coffee swirled with honey. She was pretty.

"I'm Hermione Granger. You?" she introduced herself.

I grinned, "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

Awwww they finally met! He thinks she's pretty 🥺
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