Y E A R 1 - Draco's POV

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Our first three days were spent in and out of assemblies where they gave us rules, expectations, our uniforms, and a map to get around the castle. I still couldn't believe the classes were inside an actual castle and neither could Hermione.

It was the first Saturday of the term and we were bored. Hermione and I walked around exploring and getting to know each other. I had learned her favorite color was black, what her parents did for work, what her favorite cartoon was, and what she wanted to do after graduation.

Talking with her was fairly easy but she had a tendency to barely talk. It always took a bit of coaxing to get her to start talking.
We were so preoccupied with our conversation, that we weren't paying attention to our surroundings and Hermione walked straight into another first year. Hermione's eyes were wide with fear.

"I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking and didn't see you" she stammered out.

The first year sneered at her, "Watch where you're going bitch. I can't believe you walked into me."

I watched as Hermione shrank in fear trembling and a surge of anger coursed through me.

I stepped towards him, making myself taller, "Leave her the fuck alone. She already apologized, plus we weren't looking. It wasn't on purpose and don't call her bitch. She didn't do anything to you" I told him bravely.

Before I knew what was going on, I was on the floor and my lip was bleeding. I watched from the floor as our classmate backhanded her, causing her to land next to me, her cheek already swelling. I watched the tears form in her eyes as he looked down.

Anger swept through me as I watched him get in her face.

"It'd do you good to tell your little boyfriend, to stay the fuck out of things that don't concern him," the first year told to her.

He walked away, leaving us on the floor, "Are you okay? Your cheek is swelling. We need to put ice on it" I asked her, wiping the blood off my face and standing up.

I extended my hand out to her, "I'm fine Draco. This is nothing to what I'm used to" she said.

Almost as if realizing what she had said, her eyes got wide, "I'll be back later" she said quickly before turning and running away from me.

I started at the spot where she had been standing confused.

"She's not going to materialize out of thin air mate" I heard a cocky voice behind me.
I turned and saw a boy who I had seen in the first year dormitory of the Slytherin building, walking closer.

"Names Blaise. Are you okay? I saw what just happened" he told me.

I nodded, "I'm Draco, and I'm fine. I was just worried about her face but she ran away" I explained.

Blaise shrugged, "Girls are weird mate. But don't mind Ron. He's an asshole to everyone. Luckily he lives in the Gryffindor building."

I shook my head, "I don't know what his problem is. She had already apologized and he didn't have to hit her. She's so small! He could have hurt her" I told Blaise, anger building up inside of me again.
Blaise chuckled, "She is pretty small, but I do get what you're saying. He shouldn't have hit either of you technically, but as I said, just ignore him. I've known him my whole life and he's always been a dick" he explained.

It wasn't until Monday that I saw Hermione again. By then, the swelling on her face had gone down, but she still had a nasty bruise. When she saw me, she gave me a small smile before running away again. I wondered what I had done wrong.

Can we talk about how cute it would've been if Draco and Hermione really would've been friends? Like they're both super smart so they would've been unstoppable!
Let me know what you think in the comments please 🥺

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