N A R C I S S A - Hermione's POV

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Draco's room was beautiful compared to my room at home. It had emerald green walls with gold accents on it and an iron-framed, king-sized bed with black silk sheets on it. I walked around his room looking at everything. He had a lot of pictures hung up of his mother and him. There was only one where his father appeared and instead of the bright smiles his mom and him usually had, they were replaced by something akin to a grimace. The photograph was tucked away in a corner of the room, on a bookshelf where barely anyone could see it.

I stared at the three faces in the picture. Looking at Lucius, I could see where Draco had gotten a lot of his looks and hair from, but as I stared at his mother, I could see the resemblance. He had inherited her soft blue eyes and his father's cold gray ones and had made a mixture of his own, making them look as cold as ice while also carrying a certain fire in them. He had also inherited her same smile. It was the same smile he would grace me with whenever I told him I loved him or whenever he kissed me.

I set the picture down and continued to walk around the room looking at everything he owned. His room, like mine, had neat piles of books in different corners. The books didn't surprise me though, considering we were tied for top of our class. While he naturally excelled in classes like Science and Math, I had him beat in English and History. We were the perfect study duo, he helped me and I helped him.

I walked to a different part of the room. One that was full of 1st place trophies and ribbons for things like horseback riding, piano competitions, and STEM. There was an adorable picture of 6-year-old Draco dressed in a lab coat that was too big, goggles, and a 1st place ribbon with something that looked like some kind of high intelligence robot arm. I would have to ask him to explain it to me later on.
I heard gentle knocking on the door and heard it open. I turned to look and Draco was standing there with a small smile, fidgeting with his hands.

"Come on love. She wants to meet you..." he told me softly, extending his hand towards me.

I walked over to him and took it, letting him guide me down a flight of stairs and a long hallway. We stopped in front of a door and I looked at Draco.

"What if she doesn't like me, Dray?" I asked nervously.

Draco turned to me and grabbed my face gently, "Baby she's going to love you. She's known about you since the end of 1st year. She already loves you. She been waiting to meet you for years" he told me soothingly.

I took a few deep calming breaths and nodded as Draco knocked on the door softly. We heard the 'come in' and entered slowly.

I looked around the beautiful sky-blue room and my eyes landed on the woman on the bed. She sat in the middle, propped up by pillows.

She gave us a big smile when her eyes landed on us, "Leave us Draco. Go outside and enjoy yourself" she told him sweetly.

I felt Draco squeeze my hand and move away from me. I watched him as he walked out of the room, and just like that, he was gone.

I turned my attention back to the woman, "Hello ma'am. I'm Hermione..." I told her timidly.

She smiled sweetly, "Hello Hermione. Please, call me Narcissa! Now, tell me everything!"
I smiled back, "Well what would you like to know?"

She sat watching me, "What made you fall in love with my Draco?"

I sat on the chair next to her bed, thinking, "I think... I think I've always loved Draco. Even when my brain didn't know it, I think my heart loved him. He always tried to keep me safe from bullies at school. In first year, I came back during the holiday break with a broken arm because of a bully, and Draco, he took me to the hospital wing to get it checked with Madam Pomfrey, he tucked me into bed after giving me my medications and stayed until I fell asleep. Then he went and beat up my bully for me. Without me even asking him to, it just came from him. When Harry... did what he did to me, the first person I thought to run to was Draco. Draco was there to comfort me, he held me while I cried and soothed me in ways that Ginny and Blaise couldn't. He really made sure I was okay physically and mentally. That's when I actually realized I loved him. I remember the day I told him. He kept asking me to elaborate and I kept explaining. It's like he was scared of what I was saying, but he finally got it and when he said it back, everything felt right in my world" I smiled wistfully as I finished.

She watched me and smiled sadly as I finished talking, "Hermione... Draco has not known a lot of love in his life. You've seen a small piece of what his father is capable of doing to him, but, I can tell he's different now. He's softer, and he's happy. He smiles in ways I've never seen him smile. When he talks about you, his eyes light up and the way he looks at you is so pure. He looks at you as if you hung the stars and the moon up in the sky yourself. In almost 17 years, I don't think I've ever seen my son so happy. Please don't break his heart, Hermione. He needs you more than he'll ever admit to me or anyone. From the moment he was born, all he's known is the darkness that resides in his father's heart, but ever since you stepped into his life, I can see him changing for the better."

She took my hand in hers before continuing, "Please, I know it's a lot to ask for, but I need you to protect my son, and take him as far away from here as possible. His trust fund will be available to him in a few days when he turns 17. Buy a house far away from here and take him. Take him to Mars for all I care, just get out of London as soon as you graduate. I don't have much time left, and I need to die knowing my son will be okay. Please, whatever you do, don't come back here until Lucius is dead. If he gets his hands on Draco, he'll never release him from his clutches and he'll drag you both down with him."

I nodded in understanding, "I understand Narcissa. The moment 7th year is done, we're out of here. I promise. Lucius will not get his hands on him. I won't let him continue to hurt Draco." I told her with a steady firmness in my voice.

She smiled softly at me once again, "Thank you for loving my son and for protecting him with everything you can. He needs as much protection from Lucius as possible. My only regret is not running with him and taking him away from all this. I hope in time, Draco will forgive me for my failure. I know he had to hold me responsible for everything that's happened to him and I don't fault him for that. I should have stopped drinking so much and taken him away. It seems now, my karma is catching up to me."

I looked at her with concern, "Ma'am... Draco loves you more than anything in this world. You're the most important person in his life. When... when you're gone... I don't know how it will affect him. I'm scared he'll shut down on me. I know I can be strong enough for the both of us, but your passing will change him and I hope he'll be strong enough to get out of the darkness this will send him into. He's told me himself that the only reason, he hasn't spiraled into a severe depression, is because he's always had you to love him. Narcissa, trust me when I tell you, that you are the most important person in Draco's life. If he could take away your pain, and make it his own, he would."

She had closed her eyes and was nodding silently as a single tear fell. After a few minutes, I could tell she had fallen asleep.

I got up as quietly as possible and exited the room.

I searched for Draco as quickly as possible and found him still sitting outside in the backyard, eyes closed and enjoying the sun. I smiled to myself and enjoyed the sight of him finally enjoying something for himself. He was truly the best thing that had ever happened to me.

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