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"I'm in need of a savior, but I'm not asking for favors
My whole life, I've felt like a burden
I think too much, and I hate it
I'm so used to being in the wrong, I'm tired of caring"

Hermione Granger was the smartest child in her school. Having that title, meant she was an easy target. She had lost count of how many times she'd come home with a busted lip or black eye. She couldn't remember the last time her books hadn't been thrown into the street by kids bigger than her. Every day they'd tease her about something. Her teeth, her hair, her size, even the fact that she had the highest marks in school. They'd push her around, knowing how much smaller she was compared to them.

She was a tiny thing. She may be the smartest, but she was the size of a 4th grader and now with 6th-grade starting, she knew the bullying would only get worse.

She wasn't looking forward to moving on to middle school where the kids were even bigger and meaner. She did look forward to the classes though.

Hermione sat on the front steps of her house watching the neighborhood kids play. She wished they'd let her join but no one wanted a know it all around them. She didn't have any friends and was always noticeably alone. That's also why she was an easy target. There was no one around to protect her. She decided she'd had enough of watching kids play without her and made her way inside. Her mother watched from the kitchen and continued to cook.

Several hours later she heard her father arrive, "Hermione, can you come down here? Your mother and I would like to talk to you!"

She arrived at the kitchen and took a seat at the kitchen island.

Her mother cleared her throat, "Well, your father and I have been talking about switching your school and applied to multiple ones. You got accepted to all of them, but, you'll be starting 6th grade at Hogwarts Boarding School."

Hermione looked at her mother in shock, "Oh. I wasn't aware this was in the plans. Very well then" she answered calmly. She was in shock, but at the same time, she wasn't surprised. It wasn't a secret her parents were tired of having to talk to the principal. They hated taking time out of their busy schedules for her things. Her mother was an extremely sought-after divorce lawyer and her father was a surgeon.

By the time she was 11, she had learned to just not bother them with her trivial things and dealt with it alone. Always alone.
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