L O V E I N Y E A R 6 - Hermione's POV

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"They say that when you meet the love of your life...
Time stops!"

Almost 4 years had passed since I'd told Draco I was in love with him during our 2nd year. That term, we hadn't been able to talk about our feelings and when summer rolled around, Ginny pulled me away from him and I spent the next 3 months being watched by her. Even Ron had stopped bullying me and had become my friend that summer. He had even apologized for breaking my arm and slapping me during our first year.

Ron had confessed that he had helped Blaise and Draco deal with Harry when he had done what he had to me because he thought what Harry did was disgusting.

Years 3, 4, and 5 had been spent trying to be alone with Draco and never being able to. Sure we'd kissed a few times while hidden in one of the hallways, but it seemed like our friends were always hovering. It had gotten worse when Ginny and Blaise started dating halfway through 3rd year.

Now I was getting ready for 6th year and I couldn't be any more excited. I checked the time, I still had 30 minutes before I had to leave for the platform. I was so excited to see Draco. I had finally put my foot down and told the other two to leave us alone so we could talk and see where we would go with our relationship.

This was also the year we would be allowed to go to Hogsmead, the town our boarding school was located in, alone, whenever we wanted.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I had finally gotten to a decent height but was still smaller than Draco. My hair had finally calmed down and fell in loose curls down my back. Even my teeth seemed to have caught up and looked nice. I finally had a figure come out during the summer and was excited for Draco to see me. I no longer looked like a little boy and I was ecstatic!

I checked the time again, 10 minutes. I made sure I had all my books and supplies for school. I knew I had everything but I needed to kill time. I walked down to the car and loaded my things into the trunk of my parent's car.

2 more minutes before we pulled out of the driveway. I was starting to get nervous. What if his feelings had changed over the summer? 3 months was a long time without seeing someone. Then again, we texted every day and tried to talk on the phone at least once a week. He had not mentioned his feelings changing.

I felt the car begin to move and my heart beat faster. It was only a 10-minute drive from my house to the platform. He would probably already be there waiting. We always met by the last compartment because it's where we had met. I was so scared he wouldn't want me anymore. I loved him so much and couldn't wait to see him. My heart beat faster the closer we got to the train station.

We arrived at the parking lot of the train and my dad helped me load my stuff. One last goodbye and I began searching for my favorite shade of blonde hair. I could see the Weasley's signature red hair, Pansy's jet black bob, and even Harry's disgusting bird nest.

Then, I saw it, his beautiful blonde hair. My eyes widened and he finally saw me. I smile broke out on his face and my heart went into overdrive.

I began running to him and like always, jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso. It was our tradition since we went into 2nd year. Like always, he caught me easily. Except for this time, our lips met and my heart quite literally, skipped a beat. I could feel him smile into our kiss and my arms tightened around his neck, deepening it.

Finally breaking off our kiss for air, he spoke, "Hello to you too my love" he told me, a smirk playing at his lips, before giving me a small peck on the lips.

I finally really looked at him and took him in. Like always his dark circles were back and his eyes were hollow. He had lost weight but his beauty was unchanged. His hair was long and almost touched his shoulders. It also covered part of his stormy gray eyes.

"Dray... I missed you... so fucking much" I told him, emphasizing my words as I kissed his neck softly.

His smile widened, "Yeah? I missed you too love" he told me before diving in for another kiss.

I felt my lips melt against his again and felt whole.

"Oi! Get a room, weirdos!" I heard Blaise call out.

I felt one of his hands pull away from me and knew he was giving Blaise the finger. I laughed into our kiss and broke it off.

"Come on Dray. Let's give our friends attention so they'll leave us alone later on" I told him quietly.

He nodded and set me down carefully, like always, before giving me one last kiss. This time, on the forehead. I turned and saw our friends almost to where we were.

Ginny saw me and ran to hug me, "Oh 'Mi! I missed you! I know I saw you last week but it felt eternal with you not being at the burrow! Fred and George say hi! Ron is around here somewhere, I don't know where though. Hi Draco! I missed you as well! Tell me about your summer! Tell me everything!" she spit out quickly.

I could feel Draco chuckling behind me, "Missed you too Weasley. My summer was fine. I worked with my father at his law firm and took care of my mother. Nothing fancy" he told her, as he wrapped his arm around my waist possessively, and pulling me against him.

Blaise appeared, "Is it safe to come near the weirdos finally or are they still sucking face?" he asked, wrapping his arms around Ginny's frame.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Fuck you Zabini. You're just jealous I kissed Draco before you ever got your chance!"

Blaise looked at me with a smile on his face, "Fuck! How did you know it was my dream to kiss Malfoy? Did you read my diary, Granger? What have I told you about sharing my secrets? Do I need to tell Malfoy what you confessed to me last year? Did you forget about our game of truth or date in study hall?" he asked mockingly.

"Fuck yes you need to tell me! What did she say?" Draco asked quickly, trying not to laugh.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him towards me, "I told him I was scared to be alone with you because I can't concentrate when you're around and that I wanted to fuck you" I whispered to him.

I watched as his eyes darkened with lust and his face turned red with embarrassment, "Ewww what did you say to him, Granger? Did you really tell him what you told me?" Blaise asked disgustedly.

I winked at him, "Maybe. What's it to ya Zabini? You started it" I laughed along with Ginny.

Blaise rolled his eyes, "Whatever weirdos. Let's get on the train before they take our compartment" he told us so we'd start moving.

We all chuckled and made our way onto the train and each couple sat on each end, staying away from each other. I looked over at Draco who still seemed to be daydreaming about what I told him. I smiled to myself and lay in his lap waiting for him to come out of his head. I decided to read a book just in case it took him longer than normal to stop thinking.

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