T O R T U R E - Hermione's POV

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My eyes darted from side to side as Lucius and his friend Sev walked to where I was on the bed. I wanted to run but I couldn't find the courage. I was afraid of what they would do if I even looked at the exit too long.

They each pulled my arms away from me and tied them tightly to the posts on the top of the bed. I couldn't move my arms up or down to save myself if my life depended on it.

I felt multiple hands on my body making their way to my legs, "Open your legs, Hermione." Lucius told me. I closed my legs tighter.

I felt hands pinch my nipples roughly, "Bitch I said open your fucking legs. NOW" he yelled.

I opened my legs enough to feel all four hands pry them apart roughly and felt as both of my legs were tied tightly. I was completely splayed out for both men to do what they wanted.

I felt something solid graze my pussy and struggled to look at what was going on. I could see Lucius standing in between my legs with a type of paddle thing in his hand, "Sev do you remember this?" He asked.

I heard a chuckle, "I can't believe you still have that Lucius. You think it'll work on her the way it worked on Cissy?" Sev asked.

Lucius stayed quiet for a moment before answering, "I think it'll work even faster this time. Let's find out. Hermione?"

I stayed quiet waiting, "Hermione I'm fucking talking to you. ANSWER ME," he yelled as he brought the paddle down on my tit.

I screamed out in pain, "When I fucking talk to you, you fucking answer me with yes sir or no sir. Do you understand?" He questioned.

I gulped quickly before answering, "yes..."

He brought down the paddle on my other tit, "YES WHAT BITCH?" He screamed.

I cried out in pain again, "yes SIR"

He chuckled, "Now Hermione I'm going to punish you for putting a restraining order against me. I'm going to paddle your pretty little cunt 30 times. 1 for every 10 miles I couldn't go near you. Count them out, Severus"

I cried out as Severus counted "1"
"2, 3, 4" my cries got louder.
"PLEASE STOP" I yelled as Sev counted "5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"
The pain was too much and I could barely breathe, "11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19" was the last I heard before everything faded to black.

I jolted awake when ice-cold water was dumped on me, "Wake up bitch. Lucius wants you awake when he puts it in you. You're lucky he was generous enough to stop counting when you passed out." Severus told me.

I could feel my pussy throbbing painfully between my legs.

I whimpered when a hand roughly touched it, "Look how swollen you are. It's going to make fucking so much more fun." Severus mentioned as he continued to palm my pussy roughly.

I heard the door slam open, "Well look who's finally awake. Let's finish your paddling so we can move on. My cock grows tired of waiting."

"Please no more! I'll do what you want. Just no more paddle" I tried to beg.

It fell on deaf ears as I heard the whoosh of the paddle once more and felt the sting.

I screamed in pain as Severus counted, "21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30!"

I felt Lucius rest the paddle on my sore pussy and tried to catch my breath, "Now then, now that that's over with. Thank me and we'll move on" he taunted.

"T-Thank you...sir" I told him as tears streamed down my face.

I felt him staring at me before he moved the paddle off me and patted my cunt harshly, "You're welcome Miss Granger. Glad I could be of service for your discipline."

I cringed at the pain and waited for the next awful thing to come next.

I could hear them both moving around the room silently before I felt the bed dip near me. I looked to see who it was and saw Severus getting closer. He straddled my chest before grabbing my hair and forcing his cock into my mouth.

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