A B U S E D A N D B R O K E N - Draco's POV

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🚨TW! This chapter will also contain an ugly scene. Like I previously said, we're entering parts of the story that aren't pretty and it's getting ugly. But remember it's gotta get ugly before it gets pretty. Now bear with me 🚨

The train ride back to London and to my house went by way too quickly. One moment I was on the platform kissing Hermione goodbye and the next, I was walking through the front door of my home.

Lucius sat in the front room, reading the paper, waiting for me, "Draco" he said stiffly.

I nodded once and answered, "Father."

He looked me over, studying me, "How is the girl? I take it you're still going along with the instructions I gave you?"

"Yes sir. We spend all of our time together. She is doing well, I think" I responded.

He nodded once, "Very well. Maxwell put your mother's ashes up in your room. You may keep them and take them to school when you leave. I don't want her here any longer. That is all I needed you for. Stay out of my way during your stay here. Dismissed" he told me coldly, waving his hand at me.

I couldn't believe that was the only thing he wanted from me and hadn't even told me of my mother's passing. I couldn't wait until I was far away from here and never had to see him again. I hated him so much. If I never saw him again in this lifetime, it would still be too soon.

*2 nights before train ride*

My break had been spent bored at home, missing Hermione and avoiding Lucius in my room. This particular evening, he had been extra snippy at dinner and I was trying my best not to bother him. I was laying in bed when suddenly my bedroom door burst open.

I sat up at the sound and watched as Lucius stumbled into the room drunk, "Come here you useless boy!" he hollered.

I watched him warily from my bed as he stumbled closer to me, knowing it was best if I didn't make sudden movements. When he got this way, it was always easier to watch him and try to avoid his swings. Eventually, he would tire himself out, and go to his study to pass out. By the next morning, he would be back to ignoring me.

"I told you to fucking come here! Look at you! Useless! No wonder your fucking mother died. She was trying to get away from you and your pathetic ass. Too bad she didn't do me a favor and take you too. Then I'd finally be rid of the both of you. The only thing she was ever good for, was opening her legs to take my cock, and even then she was just as useless" he said in his drunken stupor as he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back.

My blood boiled at his words and I bit my tongue to keep quiet. I knew responding to him while in a compromised position would only equal to me getting hurt.

His grip on my hair tightened, "Oh how I wish I could've gotten one last taste of your mother's useless cunt before she finally fucking died. I should've taken my chance and fucked her while she slept. She finally would ha-"

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I finally screamed, interrupting him and shoving him off me. All I saw was red as he defiled my mother's memory.

An evil gleam appeared in his eyes, "You ungrateful child! After everything I've given you and this is the fucking attitude I have to deal with? This is how you repay me? NO!" he screamed, and swung his fist.

Before I could move away from it, his fist connected with my mouth. I felt my lip split open and blood begin to run down my face. Another fist came flying toward me before I could finish getting my bearings. This one connected with my ribs and I heard the crack as soon as it connected. I winced in pain as I gasped for air.

Suddenly I was pinned to the bed by his weight, "YOU. WILL. RESPECT ME!" he screamed, his fist connecting with my face at every word.

"I'm going to teach you, your fucking place you foolish boy" Lucius taunted as he flipped me over and pulled my pants down.

Realization dawned on me and I struggled against him to break free. Somehow, his grip on me was like iron, and wouldn't budge. Panic bubbled over inside of me when I felt something poking at me.

"I'm going to make you submit to me, the exact same way your mother did. The same way your precious little whore has been doing since she came over this summer. Did she tell you about it Draco? Did your little Hermione tell you how she willingly takes my cock? How I've broken her body, her spirit, and her mind? How she kneels in front of me and worships my dick with her mouth? No, I bet she didn't tell you all that. I bet she didn't tell you that she belongs to me now" he stated before he thrust into me. Pain racked my body as the assault continued.

My mind went to Hermione. I couldn't believe this is what she had been experiencing all this time. No wonder she had begun to pull away and would constantly scrub herself raw. My eyes filled with tears as I thought of the countless nights she had probably spent hating herself.

I tried to choke back the sobs that were threatening to come out, "Severus. Tom. Come in here help me teach my ungrateful son his place" he called to his co-workers. The two men I had worked with last summer came in and watched the scene in front of them. They laughed cruelly.

Lucius finished and pulled out of me finally, "He's not as good as the girl, but he'll do for now until we can get her. I know you guys will enjoy a taste of her. So who wants a turn?" he asked.

I heard the metal buckle of a belt hit the floor and prepared mentally for what was coming.

After each of his partners finished, he flipped me back over, "Hold him down. I don't want to miss his pretty face" he instructed them.

I felt my arms being held in place and suddenly was in pain again as he punched my face. I took blow after blow to the face, ribs, and body until finally, the darkness set in.

My only consolation was that Hermione had access to all my money. When she found out I was dead, she could still escape and hopefully never have to live through his again.

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