S A V E D - Hermione's POV

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I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. Everything looked sterile and white.

I looked down at my wrists. There was only the faintest shadow leftover of a bruise. I wondered what the rest of me looked like. I sat us slowly and looked around the hospital room. My eyes finally landed on two sleeping figures huddled under the blankets. I knew Blaise's dark curls and Draco's platinum blonde anywhere. Blaise had fallen asleep with his head on Draco's shoulder and Draco had fallen asleep on Blaise's head. I wondered how long I had been asleep.

I heard the door creak open and looked over to see my favorite redhead walking in, "Oh my god you're finally awake!" She whispered loudly to me.

I smiled softly as she ran across the room and pulled me to her, hugging me tightly, "What happened? How long was I out? I don't really remember anything after Draco picked me up. I vaguely remember saying thank you and then absolutely nothing." I asked Ginny softly.

She sighed and looked at me sadly, "You missed graduation and Draco's birthday by a month. It's the 12th of July. They had to keep you sedated until everything finally healed properly. Every time you'd look at Draco, you would freak out. You would become hysterical or you'd actively be trying to attack him. At one point, you tried to pull all your IVs and machines off. Then he noticed that on the days he had his hair up you wouldn't freak out as much, but if his hair was down, all hell would break loose. So eventually... he just cut it short. It seemed to help so on the last occasion they had sedated you, they said if when you woke up, you didn't freak out, they'd let you out. Draco was so excited to hear that. He really missed you. He was... lost without you. I'll let him tell you the rest about Lucius though. He deserves that, considering he's the one who figured out where you were when you didn't answer your phone."

I nodded and wiped the tears that had formed in my eyes before turning towards the sound of a gasp, "You're awake!" Draco exclaimed excitedly.

I gave him a soft smile and nodded, "You waited for me to wake up."

He blushed and nodded, "You know I love you and I won't be leaving you alone ever again" he answered back.

I blushed a matching shade of red and looked at my hands in my lap when I heard a groan. I turned to see Blaise watching us and rolling his eyes "Yes, yes. She's finally awake! You two are always the same! Blushing and acting all shy as if you each haven't threatened to beat Astoria's ass if she keeps trying to meddle in your relationship! Let's go Ginny. These two have to talk things out. Glad to have you back 'Mi!" Blaise commented as he and Ginny left the room.

Draco sat in the seat next to my bed and grabbed my hand gently, "He can't hurt us anymore love. He's going to be in prison for at least 40 years with no chance of parole. His friends got the same. They won't ever hurt us or come near us again. We can move to Holyhead and study medicine! Even your mom thinks we should get away from here. She said she's even willing to pay for both of us. "

My eyes widened when he mentioned my mother, "She's been here? She knows what happened?" I asked getting slightly agitated.

Draco nodded as he stroked my knuckles, "She came by once when you were awake but you were a bit triggered by me and my hair so you probably don't remember her visit. After they sedated you, she and your dad finally sat down to talk to me. They gave me your diploma and that's when we discussed medical school. That's if you still want to go with me though. I guess it won't technically be running away anymore but if you're still up for it, I'd love for us to move to Holyhead together." he finished quietly, looking away from me.

I stared at him while I thought before reaching out to touch his hair and running my hands through it, "Your hair looks good short. Thank you for cutting it so that it wouldn't trigger me. You don't know how much that means to me, Dray... It'll come in handy when we get to Holyhead. I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt you one day." I finished, a smile forming on my face.

His eyes lit up excitedly, "So we're still going? You want us to stay together? I thought after everything that had happened you'd want to run as far away from me as possible." He questioned.

I smiled softly, "I would never run away from you Draco. We'll go to Holyhead and study, then when we're done, we'll have the rest of our lives together!" I explained.

He looked at me and I could see his love for me swimming in his eyes. I felt at peace.

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