C H R I S T M A S - Hermione's POV

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I was not looking forward to spending 3 weeks with my parents but I had no other choice. If I wanted to keep this charade of not planning anything, I needed to keep them semi-happy.

I kissed Draco goodbye and walked out of the platform with Ginny to where I could see my parents waiting for me. "Mother. Father. You remember Ginny" I commented.

My mother nodded once coldly, while my father gave Ginny a warm smile. This is exactly why my father would always be my favorite parent. I said goodbye to Ginny and walked with my parents to the car.

We made our way home silently and as soon as we walked inside, my mother gestured to the dining room table rudely.

They sat and I waited, getting annoyed already.

My mother's mouth turned down into a thin line, "Hermione Jean when the fuck were you going to tell me you were dating that Malfoy boy?" she asked tensely.

I controlled the urge to roll my eyes, "I wasn't aware you cared mother. I didn't see any harm in it seeing as he's a good boy" I answered back icily.

"Sweetie please, just answer your mother. We're not angry, just surprised that's all" my father chastised me gently.

Once again I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and sighed. It wasn't his fault his wife was insane, "How did you even find out we were dating mother? We've kept it pretty quiet" I questioned.

Mother sighed and rolled her eyes, "I was rather blindsided when Lucius Malfoy informed me right before a trial a customer has hired us both for. He was bragging that his spawn was "courting" you. You need to be careful who you associate with. Malfoy has been wanting a merger with us for many years. The Malfoy's are not to be trusted! You will stop seeing that boy immediately!" she told me

I snorted and held my tongue until she finished, "Mother, Draco is not like that. He doesn't even want to become a lawyer and take over Malfoy & Riddle Law. He's being forced. He hates Lucius Malfoy as much as everyone else. Draco, like me, wants to be a doctor" I explained as calmly as I could.

Mother rolled her eyes again and glared at me as she spoke, "Regardless, why you chose to associate yourself with that family is beyond me. You need to understand that a girl of your pedigree can only have the best people around her. If you know what's good for you, you'll put a stop to this little "relationship" you have with him. You're the heiress to Granger Law and-"

"I don't want to be the heiress! I don't want to work at Granger Law! I just said I wanted to be a bloody doctor! How hard is that to fucking understand? I will NOT be a lawyer! I would much rather KILL myself before I EVER worked in your stupid practice. Get it through your head mother! It's not gonna bloody happen!" I exploded, interrupting her.

"Hermione Jean Granger! You watch your fucking mouth with me! Ungrateful child! After all the money we've spent to put you through Hogwarts and countless other schools! Your father had to stop golfing and I've had to take on an extra case just so we could afford your room and board for your last year. I don't give a flying fuck if you want to become a bloody astronaut! You will respect me and you WILL become a lawyer. Is that understood?" she screamed back as she stood up and stomped out of the dining room.

I rolled my eyes as my father sighed, "Hermione please understand where your mother is coming from. She just wants you to have a good future sweetheart. Your mother loves you, but you have to meet her halfway" he tried to reason with me.

I shook my head as I stood up, "No daddy. I won't "meet her halfway." She needs to understand that the world doesn't revolve around her and that she can't go around deciding how people's lives will play out. I'm done trying to reason with her and I'm done with her. I'm going to Ginny's for the holidays. I'll see you at graduation and please remember that I love you no matter what happens between mother and me. You will always have a special place in my heart" I responded, going around the table and kissing the top of his head gently.

He nodded silently and I could feel him watching me as I walked out.

*Night before the train ride back to school*

It had been wonderful to spend my holidays with the Weasleys. They had been wonderful at making me feel included and had welcomed me with open arms when I had called Ginny crying and begging her to pick me up that first night. They had gotten there within minutes to collect me and my things. Even Luna and Fred's girlfriend Cho had joined us for a lot of the fun. The four of us had spent the holidays staying up late and laughing with each other.

Now there were only a few more hours before I got to see my Draco again and I couldn't hold on any longer. My heart did somersaults at the thought of being in his arms again. I knew it meant dealing with another assault from Lucius again, but as long as I had Draco, I could deal with anything head-on.

We had been texting the entire break and I could tell he was sad when he would finally respond. He had found out his mother had passed away 2 days after we had left in September and he hadn't found out until he got home for the break. He was heartbroken and sad but at least had her ashes to console him.

Blaise had secretly gone to visit him last week and said he had lost some weight and looked a bit sullen. I hoped this wouldn't set him off and derail our graduation plans. I was counting on leaving London as soon as I possibly could. I couldn't take any more abuse from Lucius.

I sighed as I prepared myself to go to sleep. I had everything packed and ready to go. I wished I was spending my last night in my own bed but after my mother had found out I had left, she had made it abundantly clear she didn't approve of me dating Draco or becoming a doctor and was done with me. The only parent I had left was my father. He had secretly been texting me and checking up on me during the break. We had even met for lunch at the Burrow multiple times.

I shrugged to myself. She would be the one to miss out on everything I had planned. If she only accepted what I wanted.

I lay in bed and tried to sleep. Tomorrow really couldn't come soon enough.

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