Y E A R 6 - Draco's POV

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"I've waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you
Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
I would have known what I was living for all along"

I could see her from a distance looking for me. She was beautiful and my heart fluttered in my chest. This would finally be the year I asked her to be my girlfriend. I wouldn't continue to mess around. I knew this meant that I'd have to introduce her to my world and that meant exposing her to my parents but I didn't want to be without her any longer.

Her eyes lit up when they met mine and I felt myself smiling. Like always, she broke out running towards me, and jumped into my arms, her legs wrapping around my entire body. I caught her easily enough. She barely weighed anything, and even though she had grown and was the size of a normal 16-year-old who would soon be 17, she was still tiny next to my 6 feet 3 inches.

Our lips met for a kiss and I felt my whole world tilt and feel complete. Her kiss was like a breath of fresh air and I felt whole for the first time in my life.

I finally broke the kiss for air, "Well hello to you too my love" I told her, smirking.

I took a good look at her. Her curls had calmed down and were no longer bushy. Her teeth had stopped growing and her smile was beautiful, not that there was ever any doubt about it. She was beautiful. She always had been. She had curves that she didn't before, making her body soft against mine.

She placed soft kisses on my neck, "Dray... I missed you... so fucking much" she told me. Each kiss showed me more and more how much I meant to her.

I felt my smile widen, "Yeah? I missed you too love" I told her before kissing her again. When I kissed her, everything felt right in my world. She kissed me back eagerly and I could feel her excitement.

"Oi! Get a room, weirdos!" I heard Blaise call out to us from the entrance to one of the other compartments.

I moved a hand away from her and gave him the finger-like I usually did when he irritated me. She laughed and broke the kiss off.

I set her down gently and let her go, but not before placing a kiss on her forehead, so we could give our friends the attention they clearly wanted. Ginny hugged her and almost word vomited, asking me questions about my summer, which I answered quickly while pulling Hermione closer to me, almost possessively.

Soon Blaise appeared too, "Is it safe to come near the weirdos finally or are they still sucking face?" he teased us.

Hermione glared at him, "Fuck you Zabini. You're just jealous I kissed Draco before you ever got a chance to!" she retorted back sarcastically.

His face screamed of mischief as he watched her, "Fuck! How did you know it was my dream to kiss Malfoy? Did you read my diary, Granger? What have I told you about sharing my secrets? Do I need to tell Malfoy what you confessed to me last year? Did you forget about our game of truth or dare in study hall?" he answered back.

I felt myself speaking up and joining in on the teasing, "Fuck yes you need to tell me! What did she say?" I asked eagerly.

She turned to me and pulled me towards her by the neck, "I told him I was scared to be alone with you because I can't concentrate when you're around and that I wanted to fuck you" she whispered so only I could hear.

I felt my face get red and my heartbeat picks up. I could feel it slamming into my chest and couldn't concentrate on the rest of the conversation. I was too preoccupied with daydreaming about Hermione and me in various scenarios.

When I finally tuned back into the real world, I noticed we were on the train sitting as far as possible from Ginny and Blaise.

Her head was in my lap like it normally was so I stroked her hair.

She looked up from her book, "There you are. You got really quiet suddenly. You okay?" she asked me softly.

I nodded as I looked at her. She looked so beautiful laying down with a book. It was a sight I had grown to love and appreciate in my life.

I continued to stroke her hair as I tried to ask her the question on my tongue.

I took a deep breath and looked out the window, trying to summon that Malfoy courage father always spoke about, "Can we talk love?" I asked her timidly.

She closed her book and sat up, "Of course, we can. What did you want to talk about?" she asked me, inching closer and almost sitting on my lap.

I took a deep breath, "Hermione it's no secret that I love you. When I told you towards the end of 2nd year, I meant it. I'm in love with you and even with these two constantly getting in the way of us, that hasn't changed. I know that what I'm about to ask you means you'll be pulled into my world and that means you'll eventually have to meet my parents, but I don't want to be without you anymore. Will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked.

She gasped, "Yes! Of course, I will Dray! Oh I love you too!" she answered excitedly.

I felt my heart swell as I pulled her towards me and settled her in my lap before kissing her deeply.

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