C O N S E Q U E N C E S - Draco's POV

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I felt someone shaking me and awoke with a start. There was pain in my entire body. I looked around and saw I was still in my room.

Maxwell stood next to me with a worried expression on his face, "Master Draco we must get you out of here immediately. You only have 2 hours before your train back to school leaves and you must pack your items! I've cleaned up your wounds while you were passed out but I didn't know what you would be taking and I needed to get out of the room quickly before Master Lucius noticed I was caring for you!" he rushed out.

I nodded slightly, "Thank you, Maxwell. For always taking care of my mother and me. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been around" I told him, tears forming in my eyes.

Maxwell cleared his throat, "It has truly been an honor to take care of you and Madam. You two were like the family I never had, and with you leaving, I shall also take my leave. It is time to take care of another family Master Draco. May all your future endeavors with Miss Granger prosper and may you both accomplish everything you've ever dreamed about. Now let's get you packed and out of here son" he told me, getting misty-eyed.

I got up as carefully and quietly as I could and got myself ready as fast as possible. I packed away my mother's ashes safely, along with a few other items that had sentimental value to me, and made my way downstairs to look for the driver, doing my best to avoid Lucius.

I bid my last goodbye to Maxwell and the next thing I knew I was finally on the platform. I could see my friends standing by the last compartment like always. I could see Hermione's worried face as she scanned the crowd, most likely looking for me.

I saw the look of utter horror in her eyes as she finally spotted me limping towards them slowly. I watched as she pulled on Blaise's sleeve, and whispered something in his ear. They both turned to look in my direction. Their worry was mirrored perfectly on each face.

When I finally made it to where they were, the three of them stared at me, probably not knowing what to say.

Ginny was the first to break the silence, "Draco... what the fuck happened to you? You look like you got ran over!" she asked bluntly.

I sighed, "I was in an accident a few days ago Red. I'm okay" I answered smoothly, not wanting to discuss the truth.

I avoided Hermione's gaze as she narrowed her eyes at me but stayed quiet.

I addressed the three of them calmly, "Well come on you lot! Let's get on the train. No use gawking at me" I said as I pushed Blaise and Ginny towards the entrance and watched as they boarded.

Hermione stayed firmly planted where she was.

I sighed again, "Come on love. We have to get inside. We only have like 5 minutes before we have to leave" I told her as I reached for her.

"Dray... please tell me what happened," she said, trying to hold back tears. She too reached for me.

Her hands fluttered around me, not knowing where to put them. She was probably scared of causing me more harm, "I'm fine love, I promise. It was just an accident. We'll talk about it later" I assured her coolly.

I held her face and kissed her gently not wanting to hurt myself further, "There, see? Everything's okay! Now let's get on the train" I told her as I pulled her towards the entrance.

She let herself be pulled and walked quietly into the compartment. I knew she wouldn't buy my story, and that I would have to come clean about what had really happened. I felt her watching me as I struggled to take off my bag and out on the overhead shelf due to the pain in my ribs.

The train began to chug along and the four of us were sitting quietly when Ron and Luna showed up.

Luna stared at me from the door, "Hello everyone! Hello Draco. What god-awful creature did this to you?" she asked abruptly.

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