T R U T H - Draco's POV

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"And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides your mind
So move to a place so far away
The goosebumps start to race
The minute that my left hand meets your waist"

My father waited for us to get to the car, "Ah there they are! My son the idiot and my future daughter-in-law! The next Mrs. Malfoy!" I watched as he grossly kissed Hermione's hand and leered at her completely from head to toe.

Hermione played her part well, "Hello Mr. Malfoy. Very nice to actually meet you, finally. I see you're in good health" she responded as she gave him a tight, sarcastic smile.

He turned to me, "Draco" he nodded once as he rolled his eyes.

I nodded back, "Father" I responded tensely.

We got in the car and made our way to the manor. The closer I got, the more anxious I felt and the bigger the knot in my stomach would grow. Tomorrow we would begin the first step of our plan, whenever father finally left for work.

As we made our way inside, I felt a chill run up my spine, "Draco. A word, before you show Miss Granger to her room. Miss Granger do excuse us please. It'll only take a second. I'm sure you won't die just because you have to wait an extra 2 minutes" he told Hermione rudely.

Hermione simply smiled tightly and nodded her head once before Lucius turned, and walked away to his office. Once he had arrived at his door, he waited as I gave Hermione's hand one last squeeze before slowly walking away from her, towards what would surely be an unpleasant conversation.

The door closed, "I wanted to touch base on your relationship with Miss Granger. Given how I found the two of you in the library that day and that Miss Granger looks like she likes to play it fast and loose, I assume the two of you have been intimate?"

I looked at him with shock as anger coursed through me at his insinuation that Hermione was easy, "What? No! We haven't been intimate. Hermione is not just some common whore. I can't just sleep with her just because, especially if she's not ready! And she's not ready yet. Whenever she decides she wants to and makes a move, I'll take her up on it. In the meantime, I'll respect her and her boundaries and go as far as she allows me to go. At most, we've slept in the same bed during breaks but we've never shared more than a kiss. Why are you even asking this? I honestly don't think this is any of your business!" I asked in an irritated tone.

"Because, if you want her to say yes to your proposal at graduation, you have to make it worth her while or give her a little push in that direction. I want you to get her pregnant. This will ensure she says yes to you and when she inherits Granger Law, you'll force her hand at a merge with Malfoy & Riddle" he informed me.

I felt my world falling around me. I couldn't let my father be around a child that belonged to Hermione & me! The child's life would constantly be in danger along with Hermione's and I just couldn't allow that. I was going to have to talk my way out of this, and quickly. I looked at him straight in the eyes and took a deep breath, "Father, pardon me, but are you mad? I cannot get her pregnant! We still have another year of school left, plus it's not like I'm going to force myself on her! She doesn't need that trauma and anyways, we're too young to have a child! We're only 17 for Merlin's sake! We wouldn't even be able to graduate Year 7" I answered back, trying to convince him to change his mind.

He thought for a second, "For once in your life, you're right Draco, maybe you're not a complete idiot. Anyways, if you get her pregnant, she can't go off to university to study law. Which very well means she won't inherit Granger Law and you won't have the chance to force her into a merge with M & R. Very well, you may continue as you were then. You may give her the room next to yours on the 4th floor. Your mother is on the 3rd floor. I will be leaving on business tomorrow morning and arriving back in 2 weeks. When I get back, I want to see as little of you or the stupid girl. Both of you are to stay out of my way as much as possible. Now get out. You are dismissed" he waved me off.

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