Chapter 1

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*Adelyne's POV*

I was walking across the forrest floor holding up my crosswbow looking for something to catch so I could bring it back to camp for my friend Mike and my seven year old daughter Katie was with him. I sighed and looked around the food here was running scarce. We had to move somewhere else soon but right now this was were we had stayed because there had been food here. My main concern was keeping Katie alive. She was my whole world and I didn't want to lose her she was going to stay safe and I was going to make sure of that. I would lay down my life for her, she was all I cared about. Well I cared about Mike as well he was my best friend and he was amazing and he loved Katie as well. I spotted a rabbit and sowly I began walking towards it and had it aimed I was perfectly still and that's when I heard a stick snap behind me. I dropped my crossbow and pulled out my gun and straightened with it aimed. I waited and a few seconds later a man with a crossbow stepped out from behind from a tree. He was tall and scruffy with beautiful Georgia blue eyes. He was wearing a shirt that showed off his muscles I nearly gasped. This man was gorgeous and he had a crossbow like me which made him even more delicious. Adelyne stop it! this is no time to be drooling over a guy! His eyes stared me down and mine did the same even though he was studying over me not lusting over me.

"Who are you?" he asked.

I didn't lower my weapon just incase I had to shoot him. I wouldn't hesitate, harm to me meant harm to Katie and I wouldn't take that chance.

"Why who wants to know?" I asked looking this man up and down I couldn't stop. Damn

"I'm Daryl who are you?"

I took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh.

"I"m Adelyne"

Just then another man came up to Daryl and he smiled. He looked older he was almost bald and was scruffy as well. They shared the same blue eyes and the same facial structures. They had to be related somehow.

"Well what do we have here? Why don't you put that down darlin' before you hurt yourself" he chuckled and I slowly lowered my weapon.

"It just you out here?" Daryl asked.

"No way this girl survived on her own" the other man said.

"Exscuse me, who are you?" I asked glaring.

"Merle Dixon this is my brother Daryl, now my brother asked you a question" he snarled.

Merle was so lucky it wasn't just us two out here. I would've shot him already. Daryl I liked Daryl not only was he nice but he was hot and I could actually have a conversation with him. Merle opened his mouth and I wanted to punch him but I wouldn't do that.

"I heard him the first time" I retorted. "And no it's not just me. My friend Mike and my daughter Katie are back alone at the little camp we have set up. I was looking for food"

"You hunt?" Daryl asked.

I pushed my hair away from my eyes with a free hand.

"Yeah got a problem with it?"

"You any good?" he asked.

I shook my head and he nodded back at me and looked at his brother. They were communicating with their eyes and I knew that. My sister and I use to do it all the time before she moved to Florida to be with her boyfriend and start a family. I hadn't seen much of her since and there was no way to get a hold of her now.

"You want to come back with us? We have others a pretty decent size group, food, water, kids too. You're daughter won't have to go hungry."

Daryl just kept looking at me but that's not what irked me. It was the comment about my daughter going hungry.

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