Chapter 65

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I was holding the door closed while Maggie held the other.

"Ahh!" I yelled trying to keep the door shut.

They were pushing against the door and popping it open slighlty but Maggie and I held it closed.

"This isn't going to work for long!"

The door was pushed again and it propelled me forward not much but it hurt. I pushed back and looked at her.

"You think?! Ill get us out just let me think quickly" I told her.

I looked around and seen a rail from a shelf it could fit through the handles of the door. It wouldn't hold for long since it was wood but it would be good for a couple minutes.

"Maggie get that rail!"

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'll hold the door just go" I told her.

Quickly Maggie ran and I turned and grabbed both door handles pushing the door shut. My feet started to slid on the tile floor. Fuck! Maggie came back and slipped the wooden rail through the doors. I backed away and walkers pushed against the door. Maggie looked at me.

"That isn't going to hold for long" she said out of breath.

I nodded.

"I know."

My adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I looked for some other type
of exit. I grabbed Maggie there had to be something. I ran with her to the back. I seen the back door we ran towards it. I went to push it and it didn't budge. Thats when I seen the padlock on the top of the door. I sighed and slammed my fists against the door.

"Damn!" I yelled.

Maggie was looking out the window. I looked at a the walkers.

"No way out."

I looked at Maggie and pushed open the door and walked out. I ran a hand through my hair my anxiety level through the roof. I was shaking and panicing. I had to do something. If I didn't get us out we were screwed. It would be all my fault. Suddenly thats when we heard wood snap and walkers started pouring through the double doors.

"Adelyne they're coming" Maggie said.

I took my crossbow and shot it taking down a walker. Maggie shot her gun taking down a few as I took out mine. We started to turn back headed for the back door.



I shot my gun and it just clicked. SHIT! I grabbed my knife. There was no way there was too many of them.


Suddenly I was grabbed and pinned to the wall by Maggie. Thats when there were tons of shots being fired. Maggie had me pinned and we were hiding while shots were going off. When the growling stopped I knew they were all dead. Maggie engulfed me in a hug then backed up.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I took a few shaking breaths.

"I'm fine, what about you?" I asked.

Maggie nodded and the door opened.

"Maggie" Glenn said.

Instantly Maggie ran to him. Thats when I seen Rick and Daryl running up to me. Rick got to me first and hugged me.

"Oh my god I thought I lost you" he told me.

When he pulled away he brushed my hair back.

"I'm fine, I'm okay."

Thats when Daryl stepped closer me.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you have a death wish?" he asked.

"Lets discuss this when we get back to the prison" Rick told us and he led us back to the car.

It had been a few hours since we got back. I apologized to everyone except Daryl. He wouldn't even look at me let alone talk to me. He was angry and I understood why. I left without a word again. I put myself in danger again. I was sitting by the fence and picking at the daisies that had started to grow near the fence. Daisies reminded me so much of Katie. They were her favorite flower. Instead of picking it, I let it bloom ad sighed. The hot sun was beating down on me and I was becoming tired. I picked at the grass and then I heard the gate open. I looked back and seen Daryl walking down the gravel. I looked away took a deep breath and stood up and I walked towards him.

"Daryl" I said.

"I have nothing to say to you" he mumbled and kept walking.

"Daryl its important"

I followed after him and grabbed his arm. He turned abruptly and shoved me off and I stumbled back a few steps and he kept walking. I sighed annoyed.

"Oh that is it."

I ran and jumped on his back taking him by suprise and bringing him down onto the gravel. We tumbled through the rocks. I nearly had him pinned when he used his body weight to tip me off him and I tumbled onto the gravel and he got up. I followed slowly.

"What the hell?!" He growled.

"You actually going to talk to me now hmm?" I asked my arms crossed over my chest.

Daryl walked closer to me.

"Fine we'll talk. How can you be so stupid to go out there and put yourself in danger?!"


"And what's worse is you put not only yourself but Maggie in danger as well! You both could've died Adelyne!"

I felt the tears flowing.

"I know that! Don't you think I know that Daryl?! Shut up and just listen to me. I did everything to try and get us out. So don't yell at me!"

"Why did you take Maggie and not ask me?!" Daryl growled.

I laughed sarcastically.

"Oh yeah cause it would have been so much better. Look at us we're arguing now. And Maggie offered to go with me" I explained.

Daryl walked closer to me but I held my ground and looked up at his dreamy blue eyes.

"You and Maggie took off without a word, why?"

"It was no one business but my own Daryl. I don't have to tell you where I'm going or what I'm doing al the time. You don't own me!!" I yelled.

Daryl grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"So you went off and almost got you and Maggie killed. That's real smart Adelyne. My god you know sometimes you don't think shit through and you don't seem to care what anyone else thinks."

Daryl started to walk away and I wiped my tears away and walked after him.

"Daryl please Daryl stop!"

He turned around and looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"What?! What could you possibly want Adelyne?!"

His words smacked me in the face and I'll admit it hurt.

"You know what? Fuck you Daryl. I'll just raise our child by myself. Ive done it before."

His eyes widened.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant."

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