Chapter 60

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Sorry it took me so long. But here you go guys ♡ love you all

Shit! Shit! Shit! I made it to Daryls motorcycle. I used it as a sheild and shot at the governor and his men. A bullet hit the bike and I screamed. My heart was racing I nearly lost my head. I fired again at his men. Suddenly I seen a walker coming at me. I shot it in the head and it fell. I went to shoot again and I seen the cars retreating. Right on cue Glenn and Maggie came driving in. A loud yell caught my attention. Hershel was on the ground struggling with a walker on top of him.

"Hershel!" I yelled.

I got to my feet and ran to him I stabbed the walker in the head and shoved him off. I pulled Herhsel up and the car pulled up next to us and Maggie got out helping him into the truck.

"Come on Adelyne get in" Maggie told me.

"No, go get him out of here. I'm going to help."

I ran and started to kill as many walkers as possible. I seen Rick fighting, pinned between walkers. I went to run to him but I tripped over a dead walker and went sliding in the grass. I laid there helpless for a second since I had the wind knocked out of me and I had hurt my ankle. Fuck! What else could go wrong? I was working my way to standing when a walker came at me. I kicked it but it didn't go far.

"Get off me!"

It just came back and this time it took me down onto my back. I used my arms to hold it at bay. It tried to get closer and I used all the strength I had to hold it away from me. I struggled, I desperately wanted to reach blindly for my knife but I had no idea how far it had flown when I fell. I heard the group yelling trying to get walkers to the fence to kill them. My arms were going to turn into jello any second. This is how I would go. That's when an arrrow went straight through the head of a walker and I froze in shock. I almost got an arrow through the skull. I shoved the walker off me onto the ground. Sitting up I winced as a pain went through my ankle. I looked at the arrow through the walkers head. That wasn't mine, there's no way my crossbow is by my bed.

"Adelyne!!" Rick yelled running up killing a walker.

I looked behind him and my eyes widened. It was Daryl, he had come back and he brought Merle. He looked so scared and his eyes locked with mine. The feild had fell silent and I knew all the walkers were dead. Rick knelt down in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I hurt my ankle" I winced as I held it.

He moved it and I yelped in pain and smacked his hand away. Rick sighed and drapped my one arm over his shoulder and his arm around me. I limped when Daryl moved in to help I pushed him away.

"You get away from me I can do it!" I yelled.

Rick looked at us while still holding me.

"Adelyne let me help-"


I pushed Rick away and limped back into the prison to have Herhsel look at my ankle.


Hershel was bandaging my ankle and I winced lightly as he tried to be gentle.

"It's not broken is it?" I asked worried.

Hershel tied the wrap in a knot.

"No it's just sprained the way you fell you sprained it. I want you to try your best to stay off of it, just don't push yourself to hard okay?" he asked.

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