Chapter 10

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*Daryl's POV*

We came back and we were let in. We were prepared to fight and everyone stared eachother down. Rick untied Miguel's hands and pushed him toawards his people.

"You have your man, I want Adelyne" Rick said with a harsh tone.

Guillermo glared at him and walked a little bit closer.

""I'm gunna chop up your girl feed her to my dogs, picked them up from Satan at a yard sale. I told you how it has to be are you deaf?" he asked.

Let's get this over with I want to get Adelyne and just know that's she safe. With me I would make sure she was safe.

"Nah I'm pretty clear. you said come locked and loaded"

Suddenly we all had our guns raised and Guillermo had one aimed at his head.

"Okay we're here."

Just as we were about to start a war a elderly woman came out calling one of the Mexicans ans walking through everyone. I growled and didn't lower my gun,

"Get that old lady out of the line of fire!"

"Abuela, listen to your mijo, okay? This is not the place for you right now."

Guillermo's voice became very nervous. He was fearing this lady was going to get shot and killed.

"Mr. Gilbert is having trouble breathing. He needs his medicine" the woman cried.

My body was itching I needed to see Adelyne and we needed to get her back. We were wasting time.

Guillermo averted his eyes towards the man the woman was adressing.

"Felipe, go take care of it, okay? Take your grandmother with you."

Felipe said something in spanish but the old lady dismissed him and walked towars us angry which made me aim my gun at her.

"Don't you take him."

I looked at Rick and he looked just as confused.


"Felipe's a good boy he has his trouble but he pulls himself together" she said.

I rolled my eyes thsi woman thought Rick was going to take her grandson away. Seriously?

"Ma'am I'nm not here to arrest your grandson" Rick explained calm.

"Then what do you want him for?" she asked.

"He's helping us find a missing person, a woman named Adelyne."

He lowered his gun and the woman smiled.

"The brunette girl? She's with Mr. Gilbert come I'll show you."

They let us pass and the lady lead us into a long hallway. It looked like a hospital or what was left of one. But where was Adelyne? I became frantic please don't be hurt please don't. As we neared closer I heard slow counting and seen Adelyne she was with the old man and counting keeping him calm rubbing his back. That's when Felipe came over and she looked up and seen us. Getting up she came running towards me and flew into my arms and hugged me.

"Oh my god you guys are okay."

She was breathless and she said it her breath gliding along my ear almost making me shiver. I buried my face in the hallow of her neck,

"Oh my god."

I put her down and Rick looked at her and ran a hand through her hair. It looked like he was almost her father as he did that.

"You okay? Did anyone hurt you? Tell me the truth Adelyne" he told her concerned.

I seen something in Adelyne's eyes for a second and then she shook her head no. Rick looked at Guillermo and glared.

"What the hell is this?" he asked.

"Asmtha attack?" Glenn asked.

Adelyne nodded and TDog looked at he shocked.

"We thought you were being eaten by dogs girl!"

Adelyne chuckled and looked over and we followed her gaze. There were three little ankle biter dogs in a bed. Wow! she looked at me and I just wrapped my arm around her and held her close to me. All that mattered was that hse was with me and she was safe. I watched Rick and Guillermo walk off talking.


It's a good thing no one died and Adelyne is okay. Stay tuned for chapter 11.


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