Chapter 15

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*Daryl's POV*

Jenner walked us throught to were the rooms were and told us the rules. We couldn't plug in anything that draws power.

"Water is limited so if you shower go easy on the hot water" he said and walked away.

Glenn turned back and looked at everyone with a smile.

"hot water"

"That's what the man said" TDog said with a big grin.

I picked out my room and went straight across the hall were Adelyne was. I seen her set down her bag on one of the beds and I leaned on her doorframe.

"Put your stuff in with me" I told her.

She looked at me confused and her eyes looked at me up at me. She looked adorable with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. You could actually see her pretty face and eyes.

"Why?" she asked softly.

"Because I don't want you to be alone right now."

She picked up her bag and bow walking across the hall into the room I had picked out. I sipped my bottle of Jack Daniels, it was true I didn't want Adelyne to be alone right now. I seen the look on her face when Jenner talked about suicide and I didn't want her to be alone with her thoughts and sadness.

"I'm going to take a shower" Adelyne said brusing past me.


*Adelyne's POV*

After my shower I decided to roam around and I came across the rec room Jenner mentioned. I was about to open the door when I heard talking. I listened closely it was Lori and Shane.

"Just stop it, if you had thought for one moment if he was still alive would you have come?" Shane's muffled voice asked.

There was no answer from Lori and then I heard Shane talk again.

"I saved your life and your little boys. I love you Lori"

"No you don't, no you don't" she said.

"Yes and you love me to because there's no way you can do whta you did and not feel the same way."

Everything came together. Lori had thought Rick was dead and she slept and now she walked around like nothing ever happened and that's what bothered me. Was that what they had been arguing about off in the distance I heard Lori yell and then Shane grunted in pain and the door flung open and he walked over knocking me out of the way. I looked over at Lori with disbelief and she was just staring at me and I just walked away.


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